10 Beneficial Tips For Staying Hydrated in Summer

The summers are here, and of course, dehydration is too! The scorching heat results in losing more fluid than the intake. In these hot summer months; one must be careful enough to keep the check on hydration levels of the body. If the body is well hydrated then only the proper functioning of the body […]

April 4, 2022


4 min


The summers are here, and of course, dehydration is too! The scorching heat results in losing more fluid than the intake. In these hot summer months; one must be careful enough to keep the check on hydration levels of the body. If the body is well hydrated then only the proper functioning of the body is possible otherwise you may experience fatigue, dry skin, headache, dizziness, constipation, and dark-colored urine.

10 Beneficial Tips For Staying Hydrated in Summers, Follow Ayurvedic Approach To See Results

As our body is majorly constituted of water, it needs an optimum range of water level, which will enhance the life of an individual and at the same time will help in the smooth functioning of the organs present in the body.

To live a happy and healthy life one must include the food items and drinks shared by Dr. Mukesh Sharda, founder of Dr. Sharda Ayurveda. Below listed are 10 food tips that can be followed for ensuring one’s safety and protecting the body from discomfort.

How To Keep Cool in Summer? 5 Ideas and Tips To Keep Yourself Healthy and Protected From the Scorching Summer Heat

  1. Fresh Juice:Various fruit juices and vegetable juices instill you with a lot of nutrition as they contain numerous elements, vitamins, and minerals. The beetroot, coriander, oranges, peaches, pineapples, carrots, pomegranate, and apple juice can be consumed.
  2. Smoothies:Smoothies are another option as it helps in maintaining the nutritional balance. With the addition of fruits and vegetables, the drink is also enhanced with healthy seeds and nuts. You can have smoothies of carrots, kale, spinach, avocado, apples, bananas, blueberries, mangoes, oranges, and peaches.
  3. Coconut water:It is abundantly rich in various minerals, and elements like potassium, magnesium, calcium, and sodium. It helps the body to save itself from dehydration and also instills the body with a multitude of benefits. Acting as an electrolyte it helps the body. You can also drink coconut milk.
  4. Water-based fruits and vegetables:Some certain fruits and vegetables are rich in water content along with other nutrients. Start adding watermelon, strawberries, cantaloupe, bell peppers, broccoli, lettuce, and zucchini to the daily routine.
  5. Salad:Cucumbers, tomatoes, and lettuce will provide you with enough fiber and keep your body cells hydrated and well-nourished.
  6. Water:Since water is the most abundant component present in our body. Make sure you drink loads of it. It will aid in preventing dehydration.
  7. Infusers:If water may sound boring to you, start adding lemon, mint, cucumber, and other fruits to improve the taste of the water. Along with this, you can also add tulsi leaves, ginger, mint leaves, or turmeric to boost immunity.
  8. Probiotics:Regular intake of probiotics like curd and yogurt will not only protect the body from infections, but also will help in digestion and proper absorption of food, nutrients, and water. Moreover, it helps with dehydration and diarrhea.
  9. Milk:Cow’s milk is the best option to rehydrate the body as it contains a good source of protein and the electrolyte content helps in replenishing the body.
  10. Buttermilk:Daily drinking buttermilk will help in putting the fight against the heat and will also balance the levels of water in the body. Add Sendha namak and jeera to it for best results.

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