10th & 12th Term 1 Board Exam MCQs Sample Paper Series released on CBSE

New Delhi [India], September 29 (ANI/Oswaal Books): The MCQ based term-1 board examsfor 10th& 12thare just around the corner, and start from 15 November 2021.

September 29, 2021


6 min


New Delhi [India], September 29 (ANI/Oswaal Books): The MCQ-based term-1 board exams for 10th& 12thare just around the corner, and start from 15 November 2021.
The entire year has been challenging for students as there have been no classes in person, and many students have not even been able to access quality online teaching. The new exam structure based on MCQ pattern will be a turn-up for the books.
Enhanced learning and meticulous planning are vital for all the students to top boards this year.
Let’s walk through some tips to get well-versed with the new paper pattern and manage your study:
Manage Time Wisely
Time management is extremely important to finish the paper efficiently.90 minutes will be allotted for each paper. For every MCQ, do not spend more than 1-2 minutes and try to fill the OMR sheet simultaneously while solving the questions.
Once you finish the paper, go through each section properly. In this revision time, check the OMR sheet to account for a last-minute change of mind and revisiting not answered questions.
Updated Resources
CBSE sample papers have been released on the official CBSE website for the 10th & 12th. They are a good resource and ideal to start your preparation.
To get the best of all updated resources, studyOswaal CBSE sample papers.
The Oswaal CBSE MCQ-based sample papers class 10th& 12th(For term 1 Nov-Dec 2021 Exam)have been strictly designed as per the term wise syllabus &sample question paper released on 2nd Sept 2021. They carry 5 solved and 5 self-assessment papers for class 10th and 5 solved and 10 self-assessment papers for class 12th. All the MCQ-based exam-oriented and cognitive learning tools are included for optimum growth.

For CBSE MCQ-based sample papers for class 10th term 1 board exam 2021-22, click here https://bit.ly/3zLKXyU.
For CBSE MCQ based sample papers for class 12th term 1 board exam 2021-22, click here https://bit.ly/3zUejet
If you wish to take a long leap ahead, try our newly launched completely state-of-the-art study-portal -Oswaal 360.
Oswaal 360 consists of mind maps, Mnemonics, revision notes, weekly practice papers, mock tests and live scores. Consider this an actual virtual exam before the exam. It’s equipped with 10th and 12thMCQs, both assertion-reasoning and case-based that are academically important questions for board exams. Mind maps, QR codes, weekly practice papers, revision notes and on-tip notes are some of the easiest and most efficacious tools that you’ll find helpful to get ahead of your competition.
Choose an Enhanced Study Environment
The place where we study, the setting, the architecture, the lights and everything around us affects the awareness of our mind. Study in a well-lit space and keep those things away that distract you from your study and space. Choose a good, upright chair to keep a good posture while studying.
Keeping all the above in mind, Oswaal 360 is formulated by educationists and subject matter experts along with psychological experts to blend academic advancements with mental health.
Oswaal 360 will not only provide you with the ideal atmosphere to study, but will also provide you with live score updates, weekly sample papers and mock tests so that you can easily test all your preparations and can take necessary actions accordingly.
Self-Study is Vital
Lectures and books with all the information are not enough for your learning. In order to understand concepts completely, it is important to make notes and do self-study. Try implementing these while attending online lectures so that your mind remembers the concepts in your own language and method.
Make a Proper Schedule
Make your study timetable and follow it to get more out of your available time. List the subjects and chapters that you need to study in a day, in a week and allot them into promising hours throughout.
Be Productive
A tip to be more productive in the course of your day is to take up varied subjects and bits from each subject every day. This way, you won’t feel too strained by studying one subject for long hours.
If you feel you have studied enough, or you’re bored right now, got Oswaal360.com, and take a quick mock test, this will not only make you aware of the exam environment but will also boost you to study more effectively.
Don’t Procrastinate
Follow the schedules that you make. Don’t procrastinate. The more you procrastinate, the more difficult you will find it to complete studying everything that gets piled up at the last minute.
Take breaks
Do take breaks and rest when you feel over-occupied with studying. Take good care of yourself and have quality learning methods over quantity. Go out for a walk, play your favourite music, spend some time playing during breaks.
You will do great. All the best!
This story is provided by Oswaal Books. ANI will not be responsible in any way for the content of this article. (ANI/Oswaal Books)

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