Term 1 Boards: Study hacks to score maximum in Bio. with MCQs Question Bank launched!
New Delhi [India], August 25 (ANI/Oswaal Books): The 2021-22 10th and 12th board exams will be quite unique. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, learning had to transition to online classes, which brought its own challenges. So to ease the burden on students and teachers, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has rationalized the syllabus and made major changes to the exam pattern. The syllabus will be bifurcated into two terms. Term 1 papers will be completely MCQ-based. Term 2 papers will either be detailed or MCQ-based, depending on the Covid-19 situation at the time.

New Delhi [India], August 25 (ANI/Oswaal Books): The 2021-22 10th and 12th board exams will be quite unique. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, learning had to transition to online classes, which brought its own challenges. So to ease the burden on students and teachers, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has rationalized the syllabus and made major changes to the exam pattern. The syllabus will be bifurcated into two terms. Term 1 papers will be completely MCQ-based. Term 2 papers will either be detailed or MCQ-based, depending on the Covid-19 situation at the time.
* Marks weightage for CBSE 12th Science subjects (unit-wise marks)
The Biology Term 1 paper will have 2 units- Reproduction (15) and Genetics & Evolution (20). Physics Term 1 paper will have 4 units- Unit 1: Electrostatics and Unit 2: Current Electricity will be for 17 marks, whereas Unit 3: Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism and Unit 4: Electromagnetic Induction & Alternating Currents will hold 18 marks.English Term 1 paper will comprise of 5 units- Reading Comprehension (10), Creative Writing Skills (10), Applied Grammar (4), Literature (11) and Fiction (5). Maths Term 1 will consist of 4 units- Relations and Functions (8), Algebra (10), Calculus (17) and Linear Programming (5).
* Time schedule
Based on the marks weightage, you can construct a daily time schedule. Try to study all major subjects everyday right from the start. This will ensure that when the exam is near, you are not worried about finishing the syllabus and can focus on revision and practice. Give more hours to lengthy topics. Prepare weekly calendars and set small goals. The feeling of accomplishment will boost your confidence. Also, do take breaks andrecharge your mind with fun activities.
* Score more with Biology Question Bank
The more MCQs you practice, the better will score in the Term 1 exam. New Syllabus Chapter-wise ‘Oswaal CBSE MCQs Question Bank Class 12 Biology For Term 1 Board Exams 2021-22’is a great option for this. This book is specially designed for 2021-22 and provides ample practice of Case-based MCQs, Assertion-Reasoning based MCQs, and Stand-alone MCQs. It also has tools like ‘Mind maps’ and ‘Mnemonics’ that help you retain information for a long time. ‘Revision notes’ and ‘Answer keys with explanations’ simplify learning and provide more clarity, concept videos via QR Codes.
Here’s the recommended link for Chapter-wise Topic-wise CBSE New Syllabus MCQ Question Banks Class 12 Biology For Term 1 Board Exams 2021-22: https://bit.ly/3sG2oig
Chapter-wise Topic-wise CBSE New Syllabus MCQ Question Banks Class 12 All Subjects For Term 1 Board Exams 2021-22: https://bit.ly/38dIq4Y
* Be well-versed with NCERT textbook
CBSE class 12 Term 1 question paper will be prepared from the class 12 NCERT textbook. So it cannot be ignored. Use your NCERT book to get an in-depth understanding of all concepts.This book will be the basis of your preparation. Things will get a lot easier if you are thorough with your textbook.
* Practice with Sample Papers
Sample papers will help you understand how strong your preparation really is. Solve ‘Oswaal CBSE Sample Question Papers’for a well-rounded preparation. It consists of ‘Most Likely Questions’ generated by Oswaal Editorial Board, which boosts of 100+ years of teaching experience. Stay tuned for latest CBSE Sample Paper For Term 1 Boards 2021-22. Solving sample papers will aid you in finding your weak spots, boost your confidence, and improve overall score. So start the countdown, and just begin!
This story is provided by Oswaal Books. ANI will not be responsible in any way for the content of this article. (ANI/Oswaal Books)