Axis Bank Announces ‘ComeAsYouAre’, a Charter of LGBTQIA+ Friendly Policies

New Delhi, September 7: Private sector lender Axis Bank has announced a charter of policies and practices for its customers and employees from the LGBTQIA community. The bank said it is focussing on creating equitable processes and policies that allow it to create space for everyone to thrive.  Such reforms have been announced as part of […]

September 7, 2021


4 min


New Delhi, September 7: Private sector lender Axis Bank has announced a charter of policies and practices for its customers and employees from the LGBTQIA community. The bank said it is focussing on creating equitable processes and policies that allow it to create space for everyone to thrive.  Such reforms have been announced as part of efforts to encourage “diversity, equity and inclusion” in its work environment. With the toll out of these initiatives, Axis Bank becomes one of the first Banks in India to take such steps to promote and implement diversity, equity and inclusion.

Axis Bank Announces ‘ComeAsYouAre’; a Charter of Policies for Employees and Customers From LGBTQIA+ Community; Check List of Initiatives Here

The policies will be effective from September 20, 2021 and customers will be able to opt for these measures and can add ”Mx” as a title. Customers who are gender non-binary, gender fluid or transgender persons will have the option of choosing their title from the option of ”Mx” in their savings or term deposit account. Employees from the LGBTQIA+ community will be able to use a restroom of their choice. The bank said it has initiated all-gender restrooms at its large offices. Frank Kameny Features on Google Doodle to Celebrate Pride Month 2021 in June.

Effective from September 20, 2021, customers will be able to opt for the following at our branches:

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  • Can open a Joint Savings Bank Account or a Term Deposit with their same-sex partner
  • Can add ‘Mx’ as a title: Customers who are gender nonbinary, gender fluid, or transgender persons will have the option of choosing their title from the option of ‘Mx’ in their Savings or Term Deposit Account.
  • Can make their same-sex partner a nominee in their Savings or Term Deposit Account at Axis Bank

Axis Bank, in line with its ‘DilSeOpen’ philosophy announced #ComeAsYouAre, a charter of policies and practices for their employees and customers from the LGBTQIA+ community.

The initiatives include:

  • Employees can list their partners for Mediclaim Benefits:
    All employees can list their partners for mediclaim benefits irrespective of gender, sex or marital status
  • Employees can dress in accordance with their gender/ gender expression:
    We recognize that employees could have gender or gender expression that’s different from their sex assigned at birth. They can choose to dress in accordance with their gender/ gender expression
  • Employees can use a restroom of their choice:
    Employees can choose to use the restroom of their choice in accordance with their gender expression/gender identity. We have initiated all-gender restrooms at our large offices
  • Employees have a redressal process:
    Axis Bank has a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion policy and a Human Rights Policy that offers redressal to challenges faced by employees from this community

Watch the Axix Bank campaign here: 

In September 2018, Supreme Court in a historic judgment decriminalised all sexual relationships between consenting adults in private. In keeping with the same spirit of the Apex Court and the Bank’s wider ESG aligned commitments, it has initiated of #ComeAsYouAre – a charter of policies and practices that embrace diversity, equity and inclusion within the organization and for its customers.

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