Elizabeth Holmes asks for leniency for her Theranos crimes

After being found guilty of defrauding investors, Elizabeth Holmes, the disgraced former CEO of Theranos, is scheduled to be sentenced on Friday. Now that she has a second child on the way, her attorneys are pleading for leniency on her behalf by portraying her as someone who overcame an abusive relationship to become a loving […]


November 18, 2022


4 min



After being found guilty of defrauding investors, Elizabeth Holmes, the disgraced former CEO of Theranos, is scheduled to be sentenced on Friday. Now that she has a second child on the way, her attorneys are pleading for leniency on her behalf by portraying her as someone who overcame an abusive relationship to become a loving mother. Holmes faces a 15-year sentence, according to the prosecution.

Her lawyers have submitted over 140 letters

Over 140 letters have been submitted by Holmes’ attorneys to US District Judge Edward Davila to portray her as a loving mother, caring friend, and active member of the community who has been unfairly maligned by the media. Her family, a senator, a police sergeant, a fire captain, and a retired navy admiral are just a few of the people who have written the letters.

The trial’s testimony presented conflicting portraits of Holmes

The letters portray a different picture of Holmes than what was revealed during the trial. Former employees and investors gave testimony about her dishonesty, her treatment of employees harshly, and the drastic measures she took to conceal Theranos’s issues. In addition, the prosecution included letters from victims, including one from her aunt who was an early Theranos investor and asked for harsh punishment.

She sought house confinement and community service

Holmes’s attorneys are requesting a sentence reduction for her that would involve no more than 18 months in jail, home detention, and community service. The prosecution is asking for a 15-year prison sentence as well as $800 million in restitution. An independent probation officer, on the other hand, has suggested a nine-year prison term. According to experts, she will almost certainly receive a harsh sentence.

The sum Holmes defrauded is the major obstacle

The amount of money Holmes stole from investors is the biggest obstacle in her path to a lighter sentence. The government estimates that it is $804 million. According to US sentencing guidelines, this sum constitutes a severe financial loss and is punishable by a lengthy prison sentence. This calculation has been contested by Holmes’s attorneys. The judge’s final sentence is still subject to considerable discretion.

Who is Elizabeth Holmes?

A Stanford dropout, Holmes’ company Theranos and its ground-breaking blood-testing kit have revolutionized Silicon Valley. The business claimed that its Edison test could identify hundreds of diseases with just a few drops of blood. The company’s value peaked at $9 billion. But by 2015, things started to fall apart. Theranos’s device’s shortcomings and errors started to surface.

Holmes was found guilty on four counts

She was accused of “massive fraud” by the US Securities and Exchange Commission in 2018. She faced 11 charges in her trial. In 2022, a jury found her guilty on four counts. On four of the counts, she was cleared, and the jury was deadlocked on the other two.

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