Alonso Ontiveros on Taking Care of Your Clients & Offering Referral Programs

In today’s world, clients need to feel like they are taken care of. They need to be reassured that they are in good hands. Like going to your family doctor for the past 20 something years, you know they’ll take excellent care of you because they have an amazing track record. Approach the client’s journey […]

September 24, 2021


3 min


In today’s world, clients need to feel like they are taken care of. They need to be reassured that they are in good hands. Like going to your family doctor for the past 20 something years, you know they’ll take excellent care of you because they have an amazing track record. Approach the client’s journey with this mindset. Far too often have clients been sold X, Y and Z, promising to solve their deepest fears and worst obstacles, all to be back at square one.

Alonso Ontiveros on Taking Care of Your Clients & Offering Referral Programs

The last thing you want to do is traumatize those people and destroy their trust altogether. Not just that but you would be destroying their trust in future businesses as well. You need to make sure that after the client relationship is over, they’ve moved on, feeling content and have faith that there is someone else who is able to solve their problems. Every single person on Earth needs help in some form. Karma is very real and what you put out into the world will return to you. May as well make that good karma.

A great tip for many businesses, if it is feasible, create a referral program. The way this works is by telling people to spread word about your business and bring you clients. Once those clients have purchased your products/services, give back to the person(s) who referred you business. Give them 10% of gross revenue made from the sale. Encourage those people to continue referring to your business. This way they are making passive income, for free! Bonus? If your business is service-based at a high ticket rate, why not continue to give those people 10% of the gross revenue made for the lifetime of the client relationship. Or, give them a discount on your services if they are already a client of yours. This is only if your business can afford it. It is to your advantage that you create a win-win-win situation for everyone. For the person who referred you business, the client and you.

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Alonso Ontiveros is the founder and CEO of Market Funnel Boss, a full service digital marketing agency with a specialization in PR.  To get in touch with Alonso directly, anyone can visit to know more about him or he can reach out on Insta @marketfunnelboss, his official handle. His team has been able to generate millions of dollars in revenue for his clients through a combination of digital advertising campaigns, press releases and much more.

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