Andhra Pradesh alters date of holiday for Muharram to August 20
A large number of devotees at the Bibi ka Alawa at Dabeerpura in Old City ahead of the 10th Muharram in HyderabadPhotoDCVIJAYAWADA Andhra Pradesh government has changed the holiday for Muharram to Friday August 20Earlier the Muharram holiday had been scheduled on Thursday August 19An order issued by the state government said as central government has changed the date of holiday to August 20 the state government too is following suit to make the holiday evenly applicable to all central and state government offices and other institutionsAugust 20 holiday will also be applicable to banks business and commercial establishments under Negotiable Instruments Act 1881

A large number of devotees at the Bibi ka Alawa at Dabeerpura in Old City ahead of the 10th Muharram in Hyderabad PhotoDCVIJAYAWADA Andhra Pradesh government has changed the holiday for Muharram to Friday August 20 Earlier the Muharram holiday had been scheduled on Thursday August 19An order issued by the state government said as central government has changed the date of holiday to August 20 the state government too is following suit to make the holiday evenly applicable to all central and state government offices and other institutionsAugust 20 holiday will also be applicable to banks business and commercial establishments under Negotiable Instruments Act 1881