Authentic and Honest Guide That Empowers Couples Facing Intimacy Issues

Authors Corey and Ronni Green continue to empower couples and parents with their engaging guide on keeping the spark alive in any relationship, titled A Marriage Checklist for Fun, Intimacy, and Passion, While Parenting. After decades of marriage and raising a beautiful family, Corey and Ronni hope to inspire other couples to let go of […]

September 10, 2021


4 min


Authors Corey and Ronni Green continue to empower couples and parents with their engaging guide on keeping the spark alive in any relationship, titled A Marriage Checklist for Fun, Intimacy, and Passion, While Parenting. After decades of marriage and raising a beautiful family, Corey and Ronni hope to inspire other couples to let go of bitterness and resentment for the sake of their own happiness.

Authentic and Honest Guide That Empowers Couples Facing Intimacy Issues in Marriage Receives Great Reviews

A Marriage Checklist for Fun, Intimacy, and Passion, While Parenting offers a dual perspective to show how men and women may view key aspects of the book differently. Too often, couples isolate one another or pursue divorce without making a meaningful effort to reconnect and understand each person’s specific needs. This book provides a comprehensive roadmap that couples can use together to unravel marital issues and the external factors that can strain even the strongest of relationships.

The Greens draw upon their own experiences with marital struggles and lack of physical intimacy to add an authentic, honest style to their writing. They tackle common causes of divorce like lack of intimacy and failure to communicate in an objective way. A Marriage Checklist for Fun, Intimacy, and Passion, While Parenting also includes expert advice and scientific research that can help readers better understand how men and women think and act differently and how to effectively navigate through those differences.

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Each chapter reviews a core topic and provides a checklist that readers can use to reinvigorate their intimate relationships. Unlike other books, A Marriage Checklist for Fun, Intimacy, and Passion, While Parenting includes practical exercises that extend beyond theory or simple pieces of advice. The Greens delve into each area in great detail to highlight how healthy relationships are capable of adapting to major life changes.

Early reviewers praise A Marriage Checklist for Fun, Intimacy, and Passion, While Parenting as an invaluable resource that teaches couples to be mindful and respectful towards one another. When asked to comment on what message she wants to send through her work, author Ronni Green noted, “Life gives you a daily gift; it’s called your present. Make sure to enjoy it!”

As far as finding a practical, proven solution to marital problems, A Marriage Checklist for Fun, Intimacy, and Passion, While Parenting checks the box. This engaging guide is available for purchase on Amazon or wherever books are sold.

Ronni Green is the author of six coloring activity books and one nonfiction book for a range of ages. She is from Virginia and has been married to her husband and co-author Corey Green for 25 years. Visit them online at They have three amazing children and have served as foster parents for the last 11 years. The Greens are passionate about helping others find their joy and stay in touch with their younger selves.

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