Big Update! CBSE Class 10 Term 2 Boards 2022: Preparation timetable released for Maths, Science, Social papers
New Delhi [India], December 15 (ANI/Oswaal Books): CBSE syllabus has already undergone a great change as per the term-wise pattern.

New Delhi [India], December 15 (ANI/Oswaal Books): CBSE syllabus has already undergone a great change as per the term-wise pattern.
According to the rationalized syllabus decided by the CBSE, the syllabus that was covered in term 1 won’t be there for term 2.
Apart from the language subjects, Maths, Science, and Social Science are the core subjects that can drastically improve the overall board score for the students.
CBSE has uploaded three notices on their official website discussing the term-wise syllabus.
In addition to the syllabus, the preparation timetable has been discussed. This table comprises the units that will come in term 2 exams.
Besides that, it discusses the mark distribution for the internal assessments also.
Below, is the preparation timetable for Maths, Science, and Social Science.
Preparation Time Table for Maths
Maths preparation timetable for term 2 has been designed in a way to offer holistic knowledge to the students. With this, students can apply the concepts learned in Mathematics to real-life problems.
For term 2, students will prepare for 5 units overall that will comprise 40 marks. And 10 marks will be awarded for internal assessments of these exams.
The bifurcation has been done on the basis so that students get a command over the algebraic skills.
There will be three periodic tests, assessments, portfolios, and practical work conducted throughout the term.
Preparation Time Table for Science
For the science class 10th term 2 board exams, students need to broadly prepare for three themes namely Matter-Its Nature and Behaviour, Moving Things, People, and Ideas, and The World of Living.
The marking percentage will be based upon three predominant areas. 46% marks allocation will be for knowledge demonstration and understanding.
32% will contribute to concept analysis whereas 22% will contribute to the application of the concept.
Preparation Time Table for Social Science
The Social Science preparation timetable for term 2 has clearly defined the learning objectives of the modules set for term 2 board exams.
The preparation plan comprises the chapters that were not taken up for term 2. And, there will be overall four units comprising 2-3 chapters that can be very well-covered in the stipulated time.
Final Thoughts
Getting acquainted with the preparation timetable for the term 2 board exams is not at all difficult. CBSE has already uploaded the entire term-wise syllabus pattern to be covered in term 2.
Students should start preparing for the exams section-wise to save time. And this will make them more clear about the objectives of the chapter in the syllabus. Students can also start doing their preparation with Oswaal CBSE Class 10 Term 2 Question Bank for Board Exams 2022, and you will get: Strictly as per the Term-II syllabus for Board 2022 Exams (March-April)
* Includes Questions of the both -Objective & Subjective Types Questions
* Objective Questions based on new typologies introduced by the board-
I. Stand- Alone MCQs,
II. MCQs based on Assertion-Reason
III. Case-based MCQs.
* Subjective Questions Includes-Very Short, Short & Long Answer Types Questions
* Revision Notes for in-depth study
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Here is the recommended link for CBSE Question Bank Class 10 for Term 2 board exams 2022, click here
This story is provided by Oswaal Books. ANI will not be responsible in any way for the content of this article. (ANI/Oswaal Books)