Breathing Exercises to Strengthen the Lungs
pTaking good care of our lungs health has always been important It has become more crucial in current times when we are dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic that affects the respiratory tract Along with maintaining good hygiene practising social distancing and wearing a mask all the time having healthy lungs can help you survive the pandemic in a better wayp

pPerforming some breathing exercises every day is one of the easiest ways to maintain muscle strength around the rib cage and diaphragm This can help to keep your lungs healthy and cut down the risk of complications from being infected by the coronavirus Breathing exercises also help to calm your mind balance energy stabilise your mood and increase concentration level Here are 5 easy breathing exercises that you must add to your daily routine for the sake of your lungs healthph2img srchttpswwwnyooozcomimg-uploadsyogajpg alt width600 height300 h2h2Ujjayi Pranayamah2pThe word Ujjayi Pranayama is derived from the Sanskrit word ldquoUjjayirdquo which means to conquer Practising this kind of breathing may improve concentration release tension throughout the body regulate the internal temperature of the body and promote lungs function In this breathing technique you have to take a deep breath from both the nostrils and half-closed glottisppstrongHow to do itstrongppStep 1 Sit down on the ground in any meditative pose keeping your eyes closed and spine neutralppStep 2 Take long breaths in and out through your mouth feeling the air passing through your windpipeppStep 3 Once you are comfortable with your exhales contract the back of your throat to constrict the passage of air Your throat will start making a rushing noise while breathingppStep 4 Once you are comfortable with exhaling constrict the throat the same way while inhalingppStep 5 When you can contract your throat while both inhaling and exhaling close the mouth and start breathing through the noseppStep 6 Fill your lungs hold your breath for a while and then exhaleph2strongKapalbhati Pranayamastrongh2pKapalbhati Pranayama or Skull Shining Breath is an alternating short explosive exhales and longer inhales technique Exhales are generated by powerful contractions of the lower belly which help to push air out of the lungs This kind of Pranayama is excellent to increase your concentration level and strengthen the muscles of the lungsppstrongHow to do itstrongppStep 1 Sit comfortably on the ground in a lotus pose knees tucked on above the other with your hands on the knees palms facing upward Keep your spine erectppStep 2 Take a deep breath in through your nose and as you exhale pull your navel and stomach back towards the spineppStep 3 Exhale quickly through your nose relaxing your navel and abdomenppStep 4 Repeat this process 10 times then exhale and inhale slowlyppimg srchttpswwwnyooozcomimg-uploadsBreathingjpg alt width800 height445 ph2Nadi Shodhanah2pNadi Shodhana Pranayama simply means subtle energy clearing breathing technique Also known as alternate nostril breathing this kind of breathing exercise helps you manage the stress level reduce anxiety and promote overall well-beingppstrongHow to do itstrongppStep 1 Sit down comfortably on the ground with your legs crossed and spine erectppStep 2 Inhale and exhale a few times slowly to make yourself comfortable in this positionppStep 3 Rest your left hand on your thigh in a meditation pose by joining the head of your thumb and index finger Bring your right hand in Nasagra mudra by folding your middle and index fingerppStep 4 Close the right nostril with the thumb of your right hand Take a deep breath with your left nostril and then close it with your ring and little fingerppStep 5 Open your right nostril and breathe out Then breathe in with your right nostril and close it with your thumb Again open your left nostril and exhaleppnbspph2Pursed lips breathingh2pIn pursed lips breathing you breathe in through your nose and exhale slowly by puckering your lips When feeling short of breath pursed lips help to get more oxygen into your lungs and calms you down so that you can breathe in a controlled mannerppstrongHow to do itstrongppStep 1 Sit down in a comfortable position with your back straight and your hand placed on your kneesppStep 2 Inhale through your nose for a few seconds and try to fill your abdomen with the air instead of your lungsppStep 3 Purse your lips and breathe out slowly for 4 to 6 secondsppStep 4 Repeat the same 5-10 timesp