CGM NABARD flags off Mobile Vans for J K Grameen Bank

Excelsior CorrespondentJAMMU Aug 24 JK Grameen Bank JKGB added another feather to its cap by launching Mobile Demonstration Vans with financial assistance of NABARDThe Demonstration Vans were flagged off by Chief General Manager NABARD Ajay Kumar Sood in presence of Chairman JKGB Sudhir Gupta and DGM NABARD Rahul Shashni from Banks Head Office JammuSpeaking on the occasion CGM NABARD said that NABARD shall financially assist the Bank in deployment of Demonstration VansChairman JKGB informed that the Bank is able to deploy the Mobile Demonstration Vans owing to the financial assistance provided by NABARD under the Financial Inclusion Fund Assistance Scheme of NABARDHe said to achieve the goals of this strategy the Bank has adopted a scientific process and identified three districts namely Jammu Rajouri and Bandipora wherein the Mobile Demonstration Vans shall ply


August 25, 2021


2 min


Excelsior CorrespondentJAMMU Aug 24 JK Grameen Bank JKGB added another feather to its cap by launching Mobile Demonstration Vans with financial assistance of NABARDThe Demonstration Vans were flagged off by Chief General Manager NABARD Ajay Kumar Sood in presence of Chairman JKGB Sudhir Gupta and DGM NABARD Rahul Shashni from Banks Head Office Jammu General Manager JKGB Ajay Kohli and Chief of AIV Vinay Gupta were also present on the occasionSpeaking on the occasion CGM NABARD said that NABARD shall financially assist the Bank in deployment of Demonstration Vans He said that the NABARD Fund Assistance involves more thrust on backward districts that are constrained by various physical economic and sociological characteristics now termed as Special Focus Districts SFDsChairman JKGB informed that the Bank is able to deploy the Mobile Demonstration Vans owing to the financial assistance provided by NABARD under the Financial Inclusion Fund Assistance Scheme of NABARD He said to achieve the goals of this strategy the Bank has adopted a scientific process and identified three districts namely Jammu Rajouri and Bandipora wherein the Mobile Demonstration Vans shall plyThe launch of Mobile Demonstration Vans shall definitely boost the morale of Banks rural customers as the Demonstration Vans shall ply through the interiors of the remote villages in the identified districts thus providing digital banking services at the door-step of the customers he said adding the Mobile Demonstration Vans shall be equipped with Micro-ATM LED Panel displaying therein the Digital Banking ProductsDeposit-Advances Schemes of the BankSudhir Gupta said Micro ATM is meant to be a device that is used to deliver basic banking services The Micro-ATM is capable of Card-based as well as Aadhaar-based transactions The type of transactions include Cash DepositCash WithdrawalFunds TransferBalance InquiryMini-Statement Besides Micro-ATMs are also capable for opening of Accounts thus providing an edge for enhancing the business of the Bank

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