China forces children to study “Xi Thought” before they learn education basics

Beijing [China], September 16 (ANI): At the tender age when students as young as seven are supposed to learn education basics, the Communist Party of China has decided to include “Xi Thought” in the curriculum to put leader, party and nation, in that order and “cultivate the builders and successors of socialism”, a media report said.

September 16, 2021


4 min


Beijing [China], September 16 (ANI): At the tender age when students as young as seven are supposed to learn education basics, the Communist Party of China has decided to include “Xi Thought” in the curriculum to put leader, party and the nation first to “cultivate the builders and successors of socialism”, a media report said.
In a statement, the education ministry said that the new curriculum is aimed “to cultivate the builders and successors of socialism with an all-round moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic grounding”. The foreign powers analyse the Chinese effort as an attempt by Xi Jinping to “consolidate” the CCP’s role in different areas of society, news website The Hong Kong Post reported on Wednesday.
The CCP has instructed school teachers to plant the seeds in young children of loving the party and looking up to the leadership of President Xi Jinping and what his idea of patriotism is. The move appears that the party is attempting to shape the generation of ‘patriots’. The party aims to put the leader, party and nation, in that order, before themselves and their families, The Hong Kong Post said.
Skeptics are wondering that what kind of patriotism or personality cult the communist regime is promoting.
The “Xi Thought” is believed to be a modern Chinese political treatise assembled by Xi. His ideas of patriotism, national duty, political ideology and leadership are in the “Xi Thought.” It has been approved by the Education Ministry to include in as a curriculum influencer for students from primary school to graduate courses from now on.
Millions of school and university books have been printed. The books carry the smiling face of Xi Jinping all over and the text is interspersed with his quotes. Teachers are instructed to inform the students that how the quotes and the text are linked.
Rather than having original facts, the book carries lesson plans more about interpreting the statements and anecdotal stories of Xi.

Take for instance this unidentified lesson in a school textbook where the only meaningful portion, the government decrees, is this: “Xi Jinping is very busy with work, but no matter how busy he is, he still joins our activities and cares about our growth.” How does this explain a chapter in moral science or physics, no one knows, according to The Hong Kong Post.
The Chinese President’s “Xi Thought” — a 14 point policy — describes how he proposes to steer China and where during his tenure. The primary objective is to “ensure CCP leadership over all forms of work in China”. Secondary, it’s for the CCP to have “absolute leadership” over the PLA. Thirdly, it is about improving “discipline” in the CCP. Others things are about promoting scientific temperament, comprehensive reforms, practice socialist core values, and adopt the one country, two systems format for Hong Kong and Macau and One-China policy for Taiwan.
However, most of the given description is vague with no definitions of Xi’s ambitious plans and objectives.
A section of parents is believed to be unhappy with the indoctrination. Some of the Chinese academics have also anonymously contended that people are most likely to “simply not take it very seriously”. (ANI)

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