Covid-19 vaccination: The complete guide of dos and don’ts
As we continue with our fight against Covid-19, the need to get vaccinated at the earliest has become the most important need of the hour. There are certain precautions that you must keep in mind, before you decide to get the jab. Here’s a list of things that you need to keep in mind before getting […]

As we continue with our fight against Covid-19, the need to get vaccinated at the earliest has become the most important need of the hour.
There are certain precautions that you must keep in mind, before you decide to get the jab.
Here’s a list of things that you need to keep in mind before getting your Covid vaccine.
Rest and sleep
It’s important to get at least six hours of sleep per night the week before you get vaccinated. If you’re well-rested, you will be better prepared to receive the vaccination.
Take a probiotic
A healthy gut means a happy you! With 70% of immunity coming from the good bacteria in your gut, it’s extremely important to keep it in check.
It’s important to do some breathing exercises, practice meditation, in order to be stress-free as you go in for your shot. Chronic stress could make things worse and could be detrimental to your recovery from post-vaccine side-effects, if any.
Avoid smoking
Smoking in general is not good for your health, but more so during this difficult time. Cigarettes can reduce the antibody response to several vaccines. You could opt for a nicotine patch or gum to keep your cravings at bay, leading up to your vaccination date.
Do not consume alcohol
It is advisable to stop consuming alcohol 3-4 days prior to getting vaccinated, as it can weaken your immune response to the vaccine.
Add zinc to your diet
Zinc is known to boost antibody response, so it might be a good idea to add it to your diet at least two weeks before getting the shot. Whether you get your zinc from animal protein, sprouts or legumes or opt for a supplement, make sure you don’t ignore this advice.
Consume protein
Protein intake is crucial. So, make sure you load up your diet with protein rich foods!
Getting a Covid-19 vaccine shouldn’t change any of your health, fitness or wellness routines, or at least not for more than a day or two.
Here are some of the things you need to keep in mind after getting vaccinated.
Monitor yourself at the vaccination centre
Under govt guidelines, you will be monitored at the vaccine centre itself to guard against any immediate severe allergic reactions. You will be allowed to leave only after doctors deem fit that the vaccine didn’t cause any immediate adverse effects.
Monitor yourself at home for side-effects
Side effects like pain at the injection site and fever are normal, and this is no reason to panic. Some other side effects like chills and fatigue might also be expected, but these go away in a few days.
It typically takes a few weeks after vaccination for the body to build protection (immunity) against the virus. So, you must continue with basic precautionary measures, like using face masks, hand hygiene and physical distancing in public places.
Follow a healthy diet after getting the jab
Eat a well-balanced diet. Super foods like green vegetables, turmeric, and garlic, that are high in nutrients and boost immunity, should be included in your diet. Seasonal fruits rich in Vitamin C can also aid in fighting the vaccine side effects.