Delhi Police adjudged 1st among major state police forces in implementation of CCTNS

New Delhi Dec 16 PTI The Delhi Police was awarded the first rank among major state police forces in the implementation of Crime and Criminal Tracking Network and Systems CCTNS on Thursday officials said The announcement was made at an annual conference on good practices in CCTNSICJS Inter-operable Criminal Justice System organised by the National Crime Records Bureau under the Ministry of Home Affairs they said Delhi Police has been awarded 1st rank among all major states police in the implementation of CCTNS project Delhi Police PRO Chinmoy Biswal said According to a statement issued by the PRO Delhi Police stood first with an overall score of 986 per cent among the major states implementing the project It achieved 100 per cent data entry for registration of FIRs arrest property seizure final reports and charge sheets Delhi has also achieved the third rank in ICJS implementation the statement said PTI AMP SMN SMN


December 17, 2021


1 min


New Delhi Dec 16 PTI The Delhi Police was awarded the first rank among major state police forces in the implementation of Crime and Criminal Tracking Network and Systems CCTNS on Thursday officials said The announcement was made at an annual conference on good practices in CCTNSICJS Inter-operable Criminal Justice System organised by the National Crime Records Bureau under the Ministry of Home Affairs they said Delhi Police has been awarded 1st rank among all major states police in the implementation of CCTNS project Delhi Police PRO Chinmoy Biswal said According to a statement issued by the PRO Delhi Police stood first with an overall score of 986 per cent among the major states implementing the project It achieved 100 per cent data entry for registration of FIRs arrest property seizure final reports and charge sheets Delhi has also achieved the third rank in ICJS implementation the statement said PTI AMP SMN SMN

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