Delhi Pollution Control Committee issues show cause notices for closure to 3 hotels
New Delhi Sep 27 PTI The Delhi Pollution Control Committee on Monday issued show cause notices for closure to three hotels in the city for violating environmental normsDuring an inspection DPCC officials found that the sewage treatment plants at two hotels –Taj Sats CateringLtd andAmbassadors SkyChef — at theIGI Airport Authority Complex were not operating properly The two units are engaged in flight catering activity according to the show cause noticeA show cause notice for closure and imposing an environmental compensation of Rs 4 lakh each has beenissued to the two hotelsThe STP at the third hotel The Park at Parliament Street was totally defunct The hotel was found discharging the wastewater into the sewerwithout treatment the notice readThe dieselgenerator sets and the PNG-fired boiler at the hotel did not have adequate height Also it did not have a compost plantThe pollution control authority has issued a notice for imposing an EC of Rs 11 lakh on the hotel PTI GVS httpwwwavgcomemail-signatureutmmediumemailutmsourcelinkutmcampaignsig-emailutmcontentwebmail Virus-free HYPERLINK httpwwwavgcomemail-signatureutmmediumemailutmsourcelinkutmcampaignsig-emailutmcontentwebmail nwwwavgcom DAB4FAD82DD740BBA1B84E2AA1F9FDF2 httpptinewscomimagesptijpg We bring the World to you Disclaimer This e-mail message may contain proprietary confidential or legally privileged information for the sole use of the person or entity to whom this message was originally addressed Please delete this e-mail if it is not meant for you ANB ANB

New Delhi Sep 27 PTI The Delhi Pollution Control Committee on Monday issued show cause notices for closure to three hotels in the city for violating environmental normsDuring an inspection DPCC officials found that the sewage treatment plants at two hotels –Taj Sats CateringLtd andAmbassadors SkyChef — at theIGI Airport Authority Complex were not operating properly The two units are engaged in flight catering activity according to the show cause noticeA show cause notice for closure and imposing an environmental compensation of Rs 4 lakh each has beenissued to the two hotelsThe STP at the third hotel The Park at Parliament Street was totally defunct The hotel was found discharging the wastewater into the sewerwithout treatment the notice readThe dieselgenerator sets and the PNG-fired boiler at the hotel did not have adequate height Also it did not have a compost plantThe pollution control authority has issued a notice for imposing an EC of Rs 11 lakh on the hotel PTI GVS httpwwwavgcomemail-signatureutmmediumemailutmsourcelinkutmcampaignsig-emailutmcontentwebmail Virus-free HYPERLINK httpwwwavgcomemail-signatureutmmediumemailutmsourcelinkutmcampaignsig-emailutmcontentwebmail nwwwavgcom DAB4FAD82DD740BBA1B84E2AA1F9FDF2 httpptinewscomimagesptijpg We bring the World to you Disclaimer This e-mail message may contain proprietary confidential or legally privileged information for the sole use of the person or entity to whom this message was originally addressed Please delete this e-mail if it is not meant for you ANB ANB