“Did India Produce A Single Building…?”: Fox News’ Tucker Carlson Belittles India, Gets Fact-Checked By Twitteratis

Tucker Carlson

A one and a half minute clip from Tucker Carlson show is making rounds on the internet and has stirred controversy. Soon after British Monarch, Queen Elizabeth passed away earlier last week, tributes started to pour in with respect to the queen. During one such tribute, Fox News anchor Tucker…

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September 13, 2022


5 min


Tucker Carlson

A one and a half minute clip from Tucker Carlson show is making rounds on the internet and has stirred controversy.

Soon after British Monarch, Queen Elizabeth passed away earlier last week, tributes started to pour in with respect to the queen. During one such tribute, Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson in his program said even after 75 years of Independence, India has not produced a single building as beautiful as the Bombay train station(CST), he further added saying the English did not commit genocide against India.

A one and a half minute clip from Tucker Carlson’s show is making rounds on the internet and has stirred controversy.

“The English, took their colonial responsibilities seriously, they did not just take things they added, “he said.

The fox news anchor further said, “When US withdrew troops from Afghanistan after20 years, we left behind airstrips, shipping containers and guns. When the British pulled out of India they left behind an entire civilization, a language, a legal system, schools, churches and public buildings all of which is still in use, “he said.

Showing the visual of the CST station the anchor said, “Here is the train station the English build in Bombay, there is nothing like that in Washington DC , Kabul or Baghdad.”

“Today India is far more powerful than the the UK, the nation that once ruled it and yet after 75 years of Independence, has that country produced a single building as beautiful as the Bombay train station, no sadly it has not, not once, “he said.

He further said “The British empire was more than just geocide, infact, the British did not commit geocide, except arguably against the Dutch,” he said.

“The British empire spread Protestant Christianity to the entire world, they published some of the greatest literature ever written and produced the finest manufactured goods ever made anywhere at any time including now, “he said.

The video concludes with the fox news anchor saying “It was an impressive place run by impressive people. We will never see again an empire so benign.”

Soon after the video went viral, netizens have slammed Tucker Carlson for his remarks.

” Funny, when I travelled all over India, the most stunning buildings I saw weren’t built by the British but by Indians themselves! That was before colonialism, when they could still afford to… Colonialism wrecked India, it didn’t build it. They’re only just starting to recover”, said one of the user.

Senior Congress leader Shashi Tharor took on twitter to slam the US based journalist, “I think @twitter ought to have an option for something to press when you can’t respond without losing your cool. For now I will content myself with😡  🤬





The post “Did India Produce A Single Building…?”: Fox News’ Tucker Carlson Belittles India, Gets Fact-Checked By Twitteratis appeared first on HW News English.

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