Floods droughts making India Pak most vulnerable to climate change IPCC report

New Delhi Feb 28 PTI Extreme climatic conditions are threatening the food security in South Asia with escalated floods and droughts making India and Pakistan the most vulnerable to climate change cautioned the latest IPCC report released on MondayThe second installment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IPCC Working Group IIs report titled Climate Change 2022 Impacts Adaptation and Vulnerability said climate-related risks to agriculture and food systems in Asia will progressively intensify with the changing climate with differentiated impacts across the regionDifferential human vulnerability to environmental hazards results from a range of social economic historical and political factors all of which operate at multiple scales Climate change is expected to have serious impacts for people living within these hotspot areas as observed from loss of food crop yields to disasters such as floods fluctuations in seasonal water availability or other systemic effectsFor instance in South Asia extreme climatic conditions are threatening food security thus agro-based economies like India and Pakistan are the most vulnerable to climate change in this regard the report saidIt warned that the major projected impacts of climate change in the agriculture and food sector include a decline in fisheries aquaculture and crop production particularly in South and Southeast Asia a reduction in livestock production in Mongolia and changes in crop farming systems and crop areas in almost all regions with negative implications to food securityIn India rice production can decrease from 10 per cent to 30 per cent whereas maize production can decrease from 25 per cent to 70 per cent assuming a range of temperature increase from 1 degree to 4 degrees Celsius the report saidIt said international food supplies are also under threat and the risks of widespread crop failure due to extreme events hitting multiple places globally will increase if emissions are not rapidly cutFor example for maize the probability of losing 10 per cent or more of the crop in several places in the world in one year increases from close to zero per cent under the current climate to 86 per cent if emissions continue to rise — but it can be limited to just seven per cent if emissions are cut rapidlyThreats to food supplies and water availability due to continued climate change may increase the risk of social unrest and armed conflict particularly in poorer countries although other factors are also important it saidThe report said temperatures enhance not only ozone production but also the ozone uptake by plants exacerbating yield and quality damage PTI AG RC


February 28, 2022


3 min


New Delhi Feb 28 PTI Extreme climatic conditions are threatening the food security in South Asia with escalated floods and droughts making India and Pakistan the most vulnerable to climate change cautioned the latest IPCC report released on MondayThe second installment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IPCC Working Group IIs report titled Climate Change 2022 Impacts Adaptation and Vulnerability said climate-related risks to agriculture and food systems in Asia will progressively intensify with the changing climate with differentiated impacts across the regionDifferential human vulnerability to environmental hazards results from a range of social economic historical and political factors all of which operate at multiple scales Climate change is expected to have serious impacts for people living within these hotspot areas as observed from loss of food crop yields to disasters such as floods fluctuations in seasonal water availability or other systemic effectsFor instance in South Asia extreme climatic conditions are threatening food security thus agro-based economies like India and Pakistan are the most vulnerable to climate change in this regard the report saidIt warned that the major projected impacts of climate change in the agriculture and food sector include a decline in fisheries aquaculture and crop production particularly in South and Southeast Asia a reduction in livestock production in Mongolia and changes in crop farming systems and crop areas in almost all regions with negative implications to food securityIn India rice production can decrease from 10 per cent to 30 per cent whereas maize production can decrease from 25 per cent to 70 per cent assuming a range of temperature increase from 1 degree to 4 degrees Celsius the report saidIt said international food supplies are also under threat and the risks of widespread crop failure due to extreme events hitting multiple places globally will increase if emissions are not rapidly cutFor example for maize the probability of losing 10 per cent or more of the crop in several places in the world in one year increases from close to zero per cent under the current climate to 86 per cent if emissions continue to rise — but it can be limited to just seven per cent if emissions are cut rapidlyThreats to food supplies and water availability due to continued climate change may increase the risk of social unrest and armed conflict particularly in poorer countries although other factors are also important it saidThe report said temperatures enhance not only ozone production but also the ozone uptake by plants exacerbating yield and quality damage PTI AG RC

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