Govt running 2 schemes for promotion of organic farming
New Delhi Mar 29 PTI The government has been implementing two schemes for promotion of organic farming through cluster and Farmer Producer Organisations FPO since 2015-16 Lok Sabha was informed on TuesdayThe two schemes are Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana PKVY and Mission Organic Value Chain Development for North Eastern Region MOVCDNERUnion Minister of State for Agriculture Kailash Choudhary said both the schemes stress on end-to-end support to organic farmers — from production to processing certification and marketing to post harvest management support including processing which helps to bring down cost of organic productsUnder the PKVY farmers are provided financial assistance of Rs 50000 per hectare for three years out of which Rs 31000 per hectare for three years is provided directly to farmers through DBT for on-farm and off-farm organic inputs he said during Question HourThe minister said financial assistance of Rs 20 lakh per cluster of 1000 hectares for three years is provided for value addition and infrastructure creationUnder MOVCDNER a sum of Rs 46575 per hectare for three years is provided for creation of FPOs support to farmers for organic inputs quality seeds and planting material and training hand holding and certification Choudhary said need-based assistance is provided for post harvest infrastructure and value addition up to maximum limit of Rs 600 lakh for integrated processing unit Rs 3750 lakh for integrated pack house Rs 1875 lakh each for refrigerated vehicle and cold store components Rs 100 lakh for collection aggregation grading and custom hiring centre and Rs 60 lakh for four wheeler and transportation PTI ACB TDS TDS

New Delhi Mar 29 PTI The government has been implementing two schemes for promotion of organic farming through cluster and Farmer Producer Organisations FPO since 2015-16 Lok Sabha was informed on TuesdayThe two schemes are Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana PKVY and Mission Organic Value Chain Development for North Eastern Region MOVCDNERUnion Minister of State for Agriculture Kailash Choudhary said both the schemes stress on end-to-end support to organic farmers — from production to processing certification and marketing to post harvest management support including processing which helps to bring down cost of organic productsUnder the PKVY farmers are provided financial assistance of Rs 50000 per hectare for three years out of which Rs 31000 per hectare for three years is provided directly to farmers through DBT for on-farm and off-farm organic inputs he said during Question HourThe minister said financial assistance of Rs 20 lakh per cluster of 1000 hectares for three years is provided for value addition and infrastructure creationUnder MOVCDNER a sum of Rs 46575 per hectare for three years is provided for creation of FPOs support to farmers for organic inputs quality seeds and planting material and training hand holding and certification Choudhary said need-based assistance is provided for post harvest infrastructure and value addition up to maximum limit of Rs 600 lakh for integrated processing unit Rs 3750 lakh for integrated pack house Rs 1875 lakh each for refrigerated vehicle and cold store components Rs 100 lakh for collection aggregation grading and custom hiring centre and Rs 60 lakh for four wheeler and transportation PTI ACB TDS TDS