Green tribunal seeks action-taken report from UP on discharge of untreated sewage in Yamuna at Mathura
New Delhi [India], October 20 (ANI): The National Green Tribunal (NGT) has sought a factual and action-taken report (ATR) against the discharge of untreated sewage and other waste in the Yamuna at Mathura.

New Delhi [India], October 20 (ANI): The National Green Tribunal (NGT) has sought a factual and action-taken report (ATR) against the discharge of untreated sewage and other waste in the Yamuna at Mathura.
The Tribunal’s Bench headed by Adarsh Kumar Goel on October 19, 2022, after going through the earlier reports stated that it appears that the State Authorities have failed to take remedial measures as directed on an order dated December 17, 2021.
NGT said it is seen that pollution is continuing and steps taken are inadequate to remedy the situation. The Committee has recommended further action to prevent the discharge of untreated sewage effluents in the drains connected to the river Yamuna which is a cause of deteriorated water quality.
The Mathura Vrindavan Development Authority (MVDA) has to undertake a plantation drive and also take steps to clear encroachments. The grievance of the applicant including discharge in Akroor Drain needs to be looked into, NGT added.
There is also a need to monitor the performance of STPs with reference to fecal coliform and utilizing treated effluents for
secondary purposes. The designed capacity of STPs including a facility for septage treatment may also be duly utilized. NMCG
may take decisions on the projects referred to it by the State of UP as per applicable norms, particularly on the subject of
degraded river stretch downstream Agra.
Compliance may be monitored by Chief Secretary, UP in coordination with other State Authorities which may also be overseen by the Monitoring Committee constituted by this Tribunal. MVDA may also take necessary measures, including preventing pollution, removal of encroachments and undertaking adequate plantation”, NGT said.
In view of the above, we direct the Additional Chief Secretary/Principal Secretary, Urban Development, UP, Mathura Vrindavan Development Authority, UPPCB, District Magistrate, Mathura, NMCG, CPCB and Vice Chairman, Braj Teerth Vikash Parishad, Mathura to furnish a factual and action is taken report in the matter.
The information may specify the extent of sewage
generation installed treatment capacity, actual utilization, the performance of STPs and utilization of treated sewage for irrigation and other purposes, said the NGT.
The Committee may ascertain the gap in terms of disposal of treated/untreated sewage into river Yamuna through different drains and recommend compensation to be levied for remedial action on the pattern of the recent order of this Tribunal, added the NGT.
The Tribunal’s direction came while hearing an application against the discharge of untreated sewage in the Yamuna at Mathura. According to the applicant, at present sewage generation in Mathura- Vrindavan is 77.42mId. There are 36 drains in Mathura- Vrindavan discharging sewage into river Yamuna. The water quality of Yamuna is unfit to sustain any life and contains fecal coliform, more than 68000 MPN/100 ml.
Applicant Rajesh Pareek also stated that access to the water quality report for September 2022 on river Yamuna, analysed at 9 locations by UP PCB, indicated BOD range from 8-10 mg/l and FC ranging 27000- 33000 MPN/100 ml, which is alarming, to say the least. On record, it is learnt that, out of 36 drains in Mathura-Vrindavan, 30 drains are tapped, while 6 of them remain untapped. (ANI)