India records 1270 new COVID-19 cases
New Delhi Mar 28 PTI With 1270new coronavirus infections beingreported in a day Indiastotal tally of COVID-19 cases roseto43020723while the active cases furtherdeclined to15859according to theUnion Health Ministry data updated on Monday Thedeath toll climbed to521035with 31 daily fatalitiesthe dataupdatedat 8 am stated The active casesconstitute004 per cent of the total infectionswhile the national COVID-19 recovery rate was recorded at 9875 per cent the health ministry said A reduction of 328cases was recorded in the active COVID-19 caseload in a span of 24 hours The dailypositivity rate was recorded at029per centwhile the weekly positivity rate was 026 per cent according to the health ministry PTI PLB CJ CJ

New Delhi Mar 28 PTI With 1270new coronavirus infections beingreported in a day Indiastotal tally of COVID-19 cases roseto43020723while the active cases furtherdeclined to15859according to theUnion Health Ministry data updated on Monday Thedeath toll climbed to521035with 31 daily fatalitiesthe dataupdatedat 8 am stated The active casesconstitute004 per cent of the total infectionswhile the national COVID-19 recovery rate was recorded at 9875 per cent the health ministry said A reduction of 328cases was recorded in the active COVID-19 caseload in a span of 24 hours The dailypositivity rate was recorded at029per centwhile the weekly positivity rate was 026 per cent according to the health ministry PTI PLB CJ CJ