Kevin Hoover, Top-Rated Life and Business Coach: Living a Fulfilled Life and Being a High Performer
“We want to make great money, have great success, and feel good about it. Don’t we?” – Kevin Hoover. Kevin Hoover, Top-Rated Life and Business Coach: Living a Fulfilled Life and Being a High Performer Most high performers end up feeling trapped, worked into a corner, or just plain unhappy in their work despite the […]

“We want to make great money, have great success, and feel good about it. Don’t we?” – Kevin Hoover.
Kevin Hoover, Top-Rated Life and Business Coach: Living a Fulfilled Life and Being a High Performer
Most high performers end up feeling trapped, worked into a corner, or just plain unhappy in their work despite the perception of success from the outside world. The friction starts to eat away at the fabric of what they hunger for – Purpose.
Kevin reveals, “The truth is that most of us walk through life rejecting our purpose. We disregard the very thing that lights our soul until we get so disgruntled at our choices that we have to give our purpose a try. Purpose in life doesn’t have to be a big revelation of an event. It can be simple, obvious, and common while still giving the feeling of fulfillment. Just be open to it.”
Ozzin Jun on Teaching People To Start and Grow Their Own Coaching Business Based on Their Passion
The real secret to living and working with a purpose is to understand the order of importance. There is a three-tier ethic that shapes everything else in life. Unfortunately, most people put it in the wrong order, which is why they feel the way they feel. But, when they get it right, it’s special.
Here are Kevin Hoover’s three key factors to living a happy life and the order in which people should prioritize them:
People are more important than money. Value the real essential things instead of the things that are in infinite supply, like money. “Your relationships are your lifeline to fulfillment. How you interact with someone else and the difference you make in their lives is the justification for everything else you will achieve. Success doesn’t want to be alone. It wants to be shared with people who value you as much as you value them.”
Kevin said, “Money doesn’t have to be your purpose, but it should be a priority, and it should have its own purpose. Comfortable income levels reduce worry, create opportunity and allow yourself to contribute in a bigger way. That does not mean that you need to make $1 million to be effective. Find your number and go for that. The more you can earn, the more you can make a difference.”
“What mark will you leave in this world? How will people remember you? It’s essential to work toward your memory while you are living. This life is not for you; it is for the people around you. Make an impact, help as many people as you can, and always know that you are constantly rewriting the ending of your life book. Legacy is a big word, but it is also one of the biggest reasons we strive so hard for financial success. Create your legacy vision and make a real difference in someone else.”
This is the framework for finding fulfillment, success, and purpose in every individual’s work. Make it simple, but make it mean something.