KhildLike Drops Latest Single ‘Journey’

I’ve always been an avid fan of unique artist names, as well as unique artist brand identities. I was recently delighted to discover a new artist duo by the name of “KhildLike”, which is a play on lettering as it’s actually pronounced “ChildLike”. This duo has already started making a name for themselves in the […]

September 20, 2021


4 min


I’ve always been an avid fan of unique artist names, as well as unique artist brand identities. I was recently delighted to discover a new artist duo by the name of “KhildLike”, which is a play on lettering as it’s actually pronounced “ChildLike”. This duo has already started making a name for themselves in the vast sea of content creators and talented musicians that is of the music industry today.

KhildLike Drops Latest Single ‘Journey’

 The first artist of the duo is a gifted musician by the name of Khosen. Hailing from the 818, Khosen started making music as an eight year old kid and stuck with it until the present day. Creating music as a kid lead to his inspiration in the modern-day and it has also help pave the path towards eventually positioning both himself and his potnah as an opening act for Nipsey Hussle and Ice Cube during West Fest in front of an astonishing 15,000 attendees.

 The other half of khildLike is the thought provoking wordsmith named Life. Life is an emcee/engineer born in Compton but raised in the valley (818).   khildLike list some of their most notable inspirations as Outkast, Lauryn Hill, Erykah Badu, Mos Def, and Marvin Gaye and Stevie Wonder.

Journey of Catherine Mattiske, Author of 30 Books & CEO of the Performance Company

 khildLike’s motto is #SaveHipHopSaveTheWorld. The 818 duo’s goal is to Save Hip Hop and Save the World. khildLike understands that music is the most influential force on earth and hip hop reaches a broad age demographic so why not use it for good. Every song has a message and purpose. They are tackling head first within their music many of the issues that plaque their kommunities and world alike such as; social injustices, wealth disparities, black love, and generational wealth. khildLike wants to even the playing field of music and content creation. They want to bring back the golden era of music— the 90’s. When music mattered when lyrics mattered when music gave solutions.  There’s a lot of potential to be seen in everything that KhildLike does. Whether it be through their true passion of wanting to make an impact or dissecting their artist identity to that of the 90’s music era– the possibilities are endless.

 I’m personally extremely impressed with everything that KhildLike has done so far. However, this is surely only the beginning. I think in a year or two from now, many more will know the name KhildLike.

 If you’re just as interested in KhildLike as I am, be sure to check them out on all social media platforms through their username handle @khildLike. Also, be sure to stream KhildLike’s music on all streaming platforms or by using the Spotify link provided below. You will not regret it!

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