Lifelong Entrepreneur Corey Everhart Is Leading Others to Build, Thrive, and Succeed

CEO Corey Everhart shares why being credible in business opens doors. I recently sat down with Corey Everhart, the Founder/CEO of Build Thrive Succeed. I was intrigued to learn that he has owned multiple successful businesses over the last decade. He even became a commercially rated airplane pilot and certified flight instructor. Lifelong Entrepreneur Corey Everhart […]

September 17, 2021


5 min


CEO Corey Everhart shares why being credible in business opens doors. I recently sat down with Corey Everhart, the Founder/CEO of Build Thrive Succeed. I was intrigued to learn that he has owned multiple successful businesses over the last decade. He even became a commercially rated airplane pilot and certified flight instructor.

Lifelong Entrepreneur Corey Everhart Is Leading Others to Build, Thrive, and Succeed

Corey says, “I have a lot of goals, and ultimately I’ve always had an internal pressure to do three things, build, thrive, and succeed in my life. I think this emotion drives all entrepreneurs to start businesses or grow personal brands. However, I believe life is too short, and you should take action to chase after your dreams.”

Corey’s entrepreneurial journey began as a young child where he would sell Pokemon cards to his neighborhood peers. Then, at age twelve, he started cutting lawns throughout his community. I asked Corey how he would get his customers, and here’s what he had to say, “I was young and didn’t have much life experience nor sales ability. However, I was confident enough to knock on doors, offer my lawn services, and be persistent to keep moving forward after being rejected. The real struggle was finding friends who wanted to cut lawns and make money with me. All of my peers just wanted to play video games and even told me I was weird for wanting to work. But, I realized from an early age I was different from other kids. I had the desire to be productive, help people and earn an income.”

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Corey’s real success came later when he founded his first company while in college. This company would grow over the following years into a well-established service business. During this time, Corey Everhart learned the importance of building trust and brand authority in his company.

“In the facility service industry, you sometimes have to submit what is referred to as a bid or proposal offering your services to a prospective client. Your company would essentially be competing with a few others to win the service contract. Unfortunately, my company would lose the majority of these bids. I spent the first couple of years trying to figure out why we were losing so many opportunities. Then one day, I received a call from a local publication that offered to publish an article about my company. They explained the power of credibility and how my clients are choosing the company they trust the most. This was the game-changer that I needed. We shared our article when we submitted bids/proposals and started winning more service contracts. From this point forward, I realized that being seen as credible in business is the power that can open doors.”

Corey Everhart continued to leverage the power of credibility in business using the press, community magazines, and social media to grow. He would also help his entrepreneur friends grow their brand credibility and introduce new strategic marketing ideas that helped them succeed.

After many years of running his service-based businesses, he decided to sell them and pursue a more profound passion. Corey Everhart focused on creating a new company solely devoted to helping entrepreneurs, businesses, and personal brands Build, Thrive and Succeed, thus his agency was born.

Build Thrive Succeed Agency helps businesses and personal brands from all over by elevating their credibility and brand authority via public relations. Corey says, “We connect clients to opportunities like being featured in the press, magazines, podcasts, and even television interviews.” In addition, Build Thrive Succeed also works with Influencers from all over the world to leverage growth on Instagram.

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