Maha 18 students of Miraj medical college test positive for coronavirus
Pune Dec 28 PTI At least 18 female MBBS students of the Government Medical College at Miraj in Maharashtras Sangli district have contracted coronavirus infection a senior official said on TuesdayThe infected students were fully vaccinated he saidAll students are largely asymptomatic and stable As a precaution they have been admitted to the hospital attached to the college said Dean Dr Sudhir NanandkarThe infection was reported in one section of the hostel as students used to gather for meals in the mess he saidA total of 45 students were subjected to RT-PCR test and so far 18 have tested positive The reports of others are awaited Dr Nanandkar added PTI SPK KRK KRK

Pune Dec 28 PTI At least 18 female MBBS students of the Government Medical College at Miraj in Maharashtras Sangli district have contracted coronavirus infection a senior official said on TuesdayThe infected students were fully vaccinated he saidAll students are largely asymptomatic and stable As a precaution they have been admitted to the hospital attached to the college said Dean Dr Sudhir NanandkarThe infection was reported in one section of the hostel as students used to gather for meals in the mess he saidA total of 45 students were subjected to RT-PCR test and so far 18 have tested positive The reports of others are awaited Dr Nanandkar added PTI SPK KRK KRK