Maha Firemen rescue two-year-old from locked room in Thane
Thane Jan 27 PTI A two-year-old boy was rescued by firemen from a room he got accidentally locked in at a residential building in Maharashtras Thane city a civic official said The incident took place around 1030 am when the mother of the boy Shiv Jagtap stepped out of the room on the third floor to dry clothes said Santosh Kadam chief of the regional disaster management cell The toddler was playing with the lock of the room when the latch fell and he was trapped inside he said An alarm was raised and teams from the fire brigade and disaster management cell reached the scene and rescued the boy the official added PTI COR ARU ARU

Thane Jan 27 PTI A two-year-old boy was rescued by firemen from a room he got accidentally locked in at a residential building in Maharashtras Thane city a civic official said The incident took place around 1030 am when the mother of the boy Shiv Jagtap stepped out of the room on the third floor to dry clothes said Santosh Kadam chief of the regional disaster management cell The toddler was playing with the lock of the room when the latch fell and he was trapped inside he said An alarm was raised and teams from the fire brigade and disaster management cell reached the scene and rescued the boy the official added PTI COR ARU ARU