Moderate rain and gray sky in Delhi today

pOn Monday the average 24-hour AQI stood at 81 in the satisfactory category An AQI between zero and 50 is considered good 51 and 100 satisfactory 101 and 200 moderate 201 and 300 poor 301 and 400 very poor and 401 and 500 severep


August 31, 2021


1 min


pOn Tuesday Delhi is likely to witness a cloudy sky with moderate rain as per the India Meteorological Department IMD forecast The minimum temperature is expected to touch 25 degrees Celsius degC while the maximum temperature is predicted to hover around 33degC The minimum temperature on Monday was 253degC and the maximum temperature was 346degCppDelhirsquos air quality was in the satisfactory category on Tuesday morning Data from Central Pollution Control Board showed that the hourly air quality index AQI at 7am stood at 70ppOn Monday the average 24-hour AQI stood at 81 in the satisfactory category An AQI between zero and 50 is considered good 51 and 100 satisfactory 101 and 200 moderate 201 and 300 poor 301 and 400 very poor and 401 and 500 severeppOn Tuesday the Union ministry of earth sciencersquos air quality monitoring centre System of Air Quality and Weather Forecasting and Research Safar said ldquoDelhirsquos AQI is in the satisfactory category with PM10 as leading pollutant The polluted air from the Indo-Gangetic Plain region is mixed with local re-suspended dust in moderate ventilation The air quality is predicted to remain in moderate category for next 2 days under similar wind conditions and low rainfallrdquop

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