MP man beats dog to death for running away with bag containing mutton
Indore Nov 22 PTI A man beat a stray dog to death in Indore in Madhya Pradesh after it snatched a bag of mutton and was trying to run away police said on Monday The dog entered the house of Jagdish Chauhan alias Thakur 40 on Sunday and escaped with a bag of mutton kept for cooking in the morning Vijay Nagar police station in-charge Tehzeeb Qazi said Chauhan chased the animal with a stick and beat it to death Qazi said adding he was booked under Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act and IPC provisions on the complaint of People for Animals Indore unit president Priyanshu Jain PTI HWP MAS BNM BNM BNM

Indore Nov 22 PTI A man beat a stray dog to death in Indore in Madhya Pradesh after it snatched a bag of mutton and was trying to run away police said on Monday The dog entered the house of Jagdish Chauhan alias Thakur 40 on Sunday and escaped with a bag of mutton kept for cooking in the morning Vijay Nagar police station in-charge Tehzeeb Qazi said Chauhan chased the animal with a stick and beat it to death Qazi said adding he was booked under Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act and IPC provisions on the complaint of People for Animals Indore unit president Priyanshu Jain PTI HWP MAS BNM BNM BNM