Official CUET Mock Test Sample Paper 2022 released based on NTA Pattern & New syllabus: New MCQs series launched
New Delhi [India], April 28 (ANI/Oswaal Books): The Common university Entrance Test (CUET) is a national-level entrance exam conducted for admission to various UG, PG & other courses offered by Central Universities of India.

New Delhi [India], April 28 (ANI/Oswaal Books): The Common university Entrance Test (CUET) is a national-level entrance exam conducted for admission to various UG, PG & other courses offered by Central Universities of India.
This entrance exam is organized by the 54 central universities jointly. It consists of MCQ questions on the NTA pattern and is based on the new syllabus. The candidates can access it, solve it, and analyse their performance.
Students are happy to hear that official CUET Mock Test Sample Paper 2022 has been launched in the market which are totally based upon the NTA CUET 2022 Syllabus & Pattern. These Papers would be soon accessible through NTA Official website too. Mock Test Papers for Section II domain and Section I Language subjects in the online examination section.
Official Mock Test Sample Paper:
Visit the official website where you can also check the Mock test paper from NTA.
Experts think that the level of difficulty in the expected July 2022 paper will be similar to entrance exams and NCERT exemplar papers.
The CUET 2022 entrance exam will be conducted online as a computer-based test, lasting 3 hours and 15 minutes to 3 hours and 45 minutes, depending on the candidate’s section choice. Students can also go with Oswaal NTA CUET (UG) Sample Paper | Mock Test | Entrance Exam Preparation Book for 2022 | With these Sample Paper, students can take lot of benefits for their exam like:
Why to choose?
As Oswaal NTA CUET (UG) Sample Paper 2022 are Strictly as per the latest Syllabus and pattern of NTA CUET (UG) – 2022 based on MCQs
Score up with Tips & Tricks
Tips to crack the NTA CUET Exam 2022 in the first Attempt
The NTA CUET (UG) Sample Paper 2022 includes Valuable insights – tips, tricks and short Cuts
Short Cuts to learn more
Mind Maps to provoke new ideas
NTA CUET (UG) Sample Paper | Mock Test Paper | Entrance Exam Preparation Book for 2022 Click here,
NTA CUET (UG) Question Bank | Entrance Exam Preparation Book for 2022 | Chapter-wise & Topic-wise Click here,
Candidates can choose a maximum of 6 subjects out of 27 domain subjects. i.e., Accountancy, Biology, Business Studies, Chemistry, Computer Science, Economics/Business Economics, Engineering Graphics, Entrepreneurship, Geography/Geology, History, Home Science, Mathematics and Agriculture Mass Media/ Mass Communication, Anthropology, etc;
CUET 2022 Time Management
Time management is important in any competitive exam and one of the most important factors while taking the CUET 2022 exam. You should be familiar with the exam pattern and know how much time each section should take. It’s also a good idea to know your strengths and weaknesses in advance to plan accordingly.
Before starting an exam, read all the questions thoroughly and group them according to the difficulty level. Attempting easier questions first will give you more confidence, allowing you to tackle difficult ones later without wasting too much time.
When answering a question, always keep an eye on the time; when it’s almost up for that section, move on to another question even if you haven’t finished solving it yet. Also, do not get upset over questions you can’t solve!
For example, if there are 50 questions in a section but you only have enough time to answer 40 of them correctly after reviewing your answers multiple times, choose your top 40 answers rather than waste time agonizing over which ten questions were wrong.
Additionally, students who finish their exams early should review their answers again before submitting them because sometimes they don’t catch their own mistakes unless they check twice or three times.
Short Tips for CUET 2022
When preparing for the CUET 2022 exam, you should pay close attention to the timetable recommended by your school and stick to it. Although this is a fairly straightforward step, there are some things you can do to help yourself along in the process.
The first one: If you’re working on problem-solving, try not to work on problem sets with fewer than ten questions. If you’re working with a relatively small number of questions, it’s easy for your mind to get bogged down in repetitive work and make mistakes that will waste your precious study time.
It’s advisable to aim for around 20-30 questions per problem set so that even if you spend most of your time on one question (which doesn’t always happen), at least some progress will be made.
The second one: If there is a certain question from an earlier problem set that haunts you, try using other problems from the same book and solving them instead. For example, if there is an easier question from Problem Set 2 that you find impossible but seems hard for no reason whatsoever, go back to Problem Set 1 and solve it instead (if necessary).
We know this sounds like common sense, but we’ve all been there: slogging through a seemingly endless wall of difficulty and frustration until we find ourselves staring blankly at an unanswerable problem–something that could have been avoided by simply working on another question from our textbook!
This story is provided by Oswaal Books. ANI will not be responsible in any way for the content of this article. (ANI/Oswaal Books)