One death 28 fresh virus cases in UP
Lucknow Sep 24 PTI One more person died from coronavirus in Uttar Pradesh on Friday as 28 fresh cases pushed the states infection count to 1709747 according to an official statement So far the virus has claimed 22890 lives in the state The fresh death was reported from Deoria the statement said In the past 24 hours 24 patients recovered from the infection taking the overall recoveries to 1686668 it said The count of active cases in the state stands at 189 the statement said In the past 24 hours more than 22 lakh samples were tested it said No fresh case was found in 63 districts on Thursday In UP 988 crore people have taken the first dose of coronavirus vaccine The recovery rate stands at 987 per cent the statement said PTI ABN RDK RDK

Lucknow Sep 24 PTI One more person died from coronavirus in Uttar Pradesh on Friday as 28 fresh cases pushed the states infection count to 1709747 according to an official statement So far the virus has claimed 22890 lives in the state The fresh death was reported from Deoria the statement said In the past 24 hours 24 patients recovered from the infection taking the overall recoveries to 1686668 it said The count of active cases in the state stands at 189 the statement said In the past 24 hours more than 22 lakh samples were tested it said No fresh case was found in 63 districts on Thursday In UP 988 crore people have taken the first dose of coronavirus vaccine The recovery rate stands at 987 per cent the statement said PTI ABN RDK RDK