Panchayat polls Odisha If Naveen Kills Two Birds With One Shot So Be It As Long People Benefit
pstrongBy D N Singh amp Satish Samantanbspstrongp

pAhead of the panchayat poll ruling party is gearing up speedily to reach its vote bank with attractive schemes Following which a spree of popular schemes is thrown to the public to show its pro-people governance It happens in politics and everywherenbspIn Odisha of course the scene is bit different and ahead of the time Chief minister Naveen Patnaik undertook such as exercise quite in advance Leaving the two opposition partiesnbsp the Congress and the BJP sulking in their own hivesppBe it post Covid financial succor in the shape of Rs 1000 stimulus for its requirements or packages of Rs 3000 for pavement vendors or interim assistance for PMRY workers or in Biju Pucca Ghar Yojna cannot be wished away as mere freebies although technically they are For which the party in power draws criticism thosenbsp ring dubbed as cheap stunts for votes But the government is not doing any extra favour but a piece of morally driven impetus now seems wrapped in poll coloursnbspppWhereas the two opposition parties are busy in carpet pulling and taking to the streets sloganeering on issues like Mamita Meher or BSKY and so on They have hardly anything to outsmart the pro-people initiative by the BJDnbspThat is where the BJD had the advantages and it may pay ultimately So Panchayat polls have offered a chance for many political parties to turn the streets a collage of hopes and the BJD is at thatppGovt spearheaded various welfare schemes before the election to keep the voters intact amp happy Chances of winnability multiplied with popular schemes These schemes are focused on the minor section of society mainly farmers labourers marginal people amp so on But this time apart from them some other sections attract the Govt attention They are teachers OBCs frontline warriors amp many more are on the list To ventilate their grievances it has come forward with lucrative sops to appease them before the electionppTeachers protest in the state is a burning issue Before the opposition hijack the matter into its favour it doused the anger with the hike in salary by 50 Whereas on another side It also meticulously handle the sensitive issue of not allocating a 27 quota to OBC in the panchayat election To manage the situation it negotiates the same by increasing OBC candidate upper age limit in state civil exam from 32 to 38 ageppThough this attitude is commonly found with all-party functionaries before the electionIn the name of the peoples Govt Both the ruling and opposition party played the same music before the election This deceptive attitude is commonly found with both It must not be encouraged by voters A voter should judge the purpose of the offer amp play accordingly to meet their judicious demand They should not be moulded easily by cheap freebies in the pretext of welfarenbsp nbspnbspppBut in this climate of fear of diseases and financial crisis what the people want Some hope and succor in whatever shape By doing that if the BJD is killing two birds in one shot people wont mind giving them the repeat feat of 2017 local polls or better this timep