Promoting Values of Brotherhood: Anil Jain from BJP
India needs a very good political leader right now, not just in the country as a whole but also in the various small parts all over the country who are being ruled by the leaders of majority party winners. Promoting Values of Brotherhood: Anil Jain from BJP In the present times, we must have noticed […]

India needs a very good political leader right now, not just in the country as a whole but also in the various small parts all over the country who are being ruled by the leaders of majority party winners.
Promoting Values of Brotherhood: Anil Jain from BJP
In the present times, we must have noticed a lot of political war. Some power-hungry leaders are fighting amongst each other, and nobody is really promoting the moral values that have been written down in our constitution since the beginning of time. But to save us all from such differences is Anil Jain.
Anil Jain is an individual who has a dream of becoming the chief minister of Rajasthan, but to do this, he has the first-hand experience on how he can help people more efficiently and how he can actively participate in influencing everyone positively.
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One value and lesson that Anil Jain has learned from life itself since he has been a member of the BJP, is brotherhood. Brotherhood is something that should be promoted in every place right now, irrespective of their caste, creed or gender. Everyone should stand by the side of each other because of the difficult situations that have dawned upon everyone in the world in general.
We all know how difficult times has been, especially for workers who earn their revenue or profits daily. Because of the lockdown situation, last year a lot of migrant workers were not able to return back home and they were stuck in their particular states. This is where Anil Jain showed he is immense support to them and organised for their transport. He never charged them any money because it was certainly not their fault for being in such a position, instead, he proved to be a true leader by utilising the fund assigned from the government for such emergency purposes instead of pocketing it all on his own.
For Anil Jain, a true mentor has always been Shri Narendra Modi. He not only admires this man for his profound skills but also make sure that he is following his steps, to lead his place as a politician. With such values and skills inscribed in him, his dream of becoming a chief minister of Rajasthan will probably come true very soon. More than that, he is a legal advisor since his educational background is a course in Bachelor of Arts and another in LLB.
Through thick and thin, Anil Jain has cooperated and managed to protect the interests of everyone, maintaining proper decorum in the society and also providing for public services as per the requirements. With the support of the common people, he is surely going to become a prominent member of the society, just like he has played a positive role as he is contributing to the railway ministry as an advisor.