New Delhi Nov 23 PTI The Delhi airport will become a net zero carbon emission facility by 2030 said its operator DIAL on TuesdayAchieving carbon neutral or net zero carbon emission status refers to a policy of not increasing carbon emissions and of achieving carbon reduction through offsets it stated in a releaseThe announcement about the 2030 target was made by Videh Kumar Jaipuriar CEO of Delhi International Airport Limited DIAL through a video message on November 10 at the COP26 event in GlasgowIn a statement on Tuesday Jaipuriar stated At Delhi Airport we are on a strong environment progress journey and we are confident to becoming net zero carbon emission airport by 2030 following the Airport Carbon Accreditation guidelines Towards this direction we have initiated various environmentally sustainable programmes such as the introduction of TaxiBot and adoption of electric vehicles he added Commercial aviation is responsible for about two to three per cent of the global carbon emissions Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg has given up flying to reduce her carbon footprint boosting the flight shame movement in Europe and other parts of the world PTI DSP NSD