On the instructions of Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, 10 districts including Mahoba, Hathras, Chandauli, Shamli, Amethi, Hapur, Auraiya, Sonbhadra, Sambhal and Chitrakoot have been selected as pilot projects for the Integrated Court Complex. Rs 400 crore has been given for the special project through the supplementary budget passed by the assembly on Tuesday.
Union minister and BJP leader Anurag Thakur on Wednesday lashed out at the Congress claiming it made tall promises while in power about giving jobs but failed to live up to them. Shimla: Union minister and BJP leader Anurag Thakur on Wednesday lashed out at the Congress claiming it made...
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Union minister and BJP leader Anurag Thakur on Wednesday lashed out at the Congress claiming it made tall promises while in power about giving jobs but failed to live up to them. Shimla: Union minister and BJP leader Anurag Thakur on Wednesday lashed out at the Congress claiming it made...
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Union minister and BJP leader Anurag Thakur on Wednesday lashed out at the Congress claiming it made tall promises while in power about giving jobs but failed to live up to them. Shimla: Union minister and BJP leader Anurag Thakur on Wednesday lashed out at the Congress claiming it made...
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Tripathi alleged that the former prime minister's remarks made fun of the BJP, which then had two MPs in the Lok Sabha in the form of Atal Bihari Vajpayee and LK Advani.
He added that after failing to meet its 2003 job pledge ahead of the 2003 Assembly polls, Congress had promised an umeployment allowance for the jobless ahead of the 2012 state elections but failed to deliver on it as well.
Lucknow: The Yogi Government has prepared an action plan to address the needs of the Musahar, Sahariya, Vantangia and Nomadic communities in Uttar Pradesh to transform their lives, an official spokesperson said on Thursday. As per the action plan, the government will not only provide housing facilities for these communities,...
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Lucknow: The Yogi Government has prepared an action plan to address the needs of the Musahar, Sahariya, Vantangia and Nomadic communities in Uttar Pradesh to transform their lives, an official spokesperson said on Thursday. As per the action plan, the government will not only provide housing facilities for these communities,...
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As per the action plan, the government will not only provide housing facilities for these communities, but it will also work towards offering them employment opportunities.