On Wednesday, Aditya Roy Kapur turned 37. The actor is receiving many sweet birthday messages from people in the industry. On their respective social media accounts, actors Anushka Sharma, Anil Kapoor, Sanjana Sanghi, and others sent their good wishes to the actor.
Makers of Anil Kapoor and Madhuri Dixit's super hit masala entertainer film 'Jamai Raja' are all set to recreate the magic once again with an action-comedy remake of the film.
Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], October 17 (ANI): Sanjay Kapoor turned sixty on Monday, and on the occasion, the actor was showered with an abundance of love and wishes from his friends, fans, and family.
New Delhi [India], October 2 (ANI): Actor Anil Kapoor celebrated 40 years of his film Shakti on Saturday, with throwback pictures from the sets on social media.