Sameer Wankhede, the Mumbai zonal director of the NCB is embroiled in a controversy over the arrest of Aryan Khan and several others in the Cordelia Cruise drug bust case. Since the arrest on Oct 3rd, Aryan Khan has been denied bail twice but the ruling NCP in Maharashtra and NCB officer have come head to head in the meantime. NCP leader Nawab malik in a series of press conferences has alleged that Sameer Wankhede has cooked up the case with the aim to target Bollywood.
Sameer Wankhede, the Mumbai zonal director of the NCB is embroiled in a controversy over the arrest of Aryan Khan and several others in the Cordelia Cruise drug bust case. Since the arrest on Oct 3rd, Aryan Khan has been denied bail twice but the ruling NCP in Maharashtra and NCB officer have come head to head in the meantime. NCP leader Nawab malik in a series of press conferences has alleged that Sameer Wankhede has cooked up the case with the aim to target Bollywood.
Sameer Wankhede, the Mumbai zonal director of the NCB is embroiled in a controversy over the arrest of Aryan Khan and several others in the Cordelia Cruise drug bust case. Since the arrest on Oct 3rd, Aryan Khan has been denied bail twice but the ruling NCP in Maharashtra and NCB officer have come head to head in the meantime. NCP leader Nawab malik in a series of press conferences has alleged that Sameer Wankhede has cooked up the case with the aim to target Bollywood.
Sameer Wankhede, the Mumbai zonal director of the NCB is embroiled in a controversy over the arrest of Aryan Khan and several others in the Cordelia Cruise drug bust case. Since the arrest on Oct 3rd, Aryan Khan has been denied bail twice but the ruling NCP in Maharashtra and NCB officer have come head to head in the meantime. NCP leader Nawab malik in a series of press conferences has alleged that Sameer Wankhede has cooked up the case with the aim to target Bollywood.
Sameer Wankhede, the Mumbai zonal director of the NCB is embroiled in a controversy over the arrest of Aryan Khan and several others in the Cordelia Cruise drug bust case. Since the arrest on Oct 3rd, Aryan Khan has been denied bail twice but the ruling NCP in Maharashtra and NCB officer have come head to head in the meantime. NCP leader Nawab malik in a series of press conferences has alleged that Sameer Wankhede has cooked up the case with the aim to target Bollywood.
Sameer Wankhede, the Mumbai zonal director of the NCB is embroiled in a controversy over the arrest of Aryan Khan and several others in the Cordelia Cruise drug bust case. Since the arrest on Oct 3rd, Aryan Khan has been denied bail twice but the ruling NCP in Maharashtra and NCB officer have come head to head in the meantime. NCP leader Nawab malik in a series of press conferences has alleged that Sameer Wankhede has cooked up the case with the aim to target Bollywood.
Sameer Wankhede, the Mumbai zonal director of the NCB is embroiled in a controversy over the arrest of Aryan Khan and several others in the Cordelia Cruise drug bust case. Since the arrest on Oct 3rd, Aryan Khan has been denied bail twice but the ruling NCP in Maharashtra and NCB officer have come head to head in the meantime. NCP leader Nawab malik in a series of press conferences has alleged that Sameer Wankhede has cooked up the case with the aim to target Bollywood.
Sameer Wankhede, the Mumbai zonal director of the NCB is embroiled in a controversy over the arrest of Aryan Khan and several others in the Cordelia Cruise drug bust case. Since the arrest on Oct 3rd, Aryan Khan has been denied bail twice but the ruling NCP in Maharashtra and NCB officer have come head to head in the meantime. NCP leader Nawab malik in a series of press conferences has alleged that Sameer Wankhede has cooked up the case with the aim to target Bollywood.
Sameer Wankhede, the Mumbai zonal director of the NCB is embroiled in a controversy over the arrest of Aryan Khan and several others in the Cordelia Cruise drug bust case. Since the arrest on Oct 3rd, Aryan Khan has been denied bail twice but the ruling NCP in Maharashtra and NCB officer have come head to head in the meantime. NCP leader Nawab malik in a series of press conferences has alleged that Sameer Wankhede has cooked up the case with the aim to target Bollywood.
Sameer Wankhede, the Mumbai zonal director of the NCB is embroiled in a controversy over the arrest of Aryan Khan and several others in the Cordelia Cruise drug bust case. Since the arrest on Oct 3rd, Aryan Khan has been denied bail twice but the ruling NCP in Maharashtra and NCB officer have come head to head in the meantime. NCP leader Nawab malik in a series of press conferences has alleged that Sameer Wankhede has cooked up the case with the aim to target Bollywood.