Ghaziabad Feb 23 PTI A 10-year-old girl was raped allegedly by two of her relatives who lured her to their house on the pretext of offering her toffee in Muradnagar town of Ghaziabad district police said on Wednesday The incident took place on Monday night but her parents informed the police about it a day later following which police registered a case on Tuesday Police sent the girl for medical examination which confirmed that she was raped The accused Uvaid and Shaan are relatives of the minor survivor and they have been arrested Assistant Superintendent of Police ASP Akash Patel said The ASP said the accused had called the girl a class 3 student at their home when their other family members had gone to attend a marriage function The accused who are in their mid-20s allegedly took turns to rape the girl When she cried they beat her up and gagged her The accused also threatened her of dire consequences if she revealed the incident to anybody After some time she returned to her home in bloodstained clothes police said It took at least two hours for the girl to muster courage and narrate her ordeal to the parents they said The parents took her to a hospital and informed the police According to police the rape survivors family members were allegedly being pressured by the parents of the accused to reach a compromise but they refused the proposal The accused have been sent to jail ASP Patel added PTI COR CK
Ghaziabad Nov 29 PTI A five-year-old boy died allegedly after falling into a 15-feet-deep drain in Muradnagar here police said on Sunday The police department has sent a notice to the municipality of Muradnagar and held the civic body guilty for not covering the drain On Sunday the child fell down into the drain and died due to heavy silt and waste material which choked the flow of sewer water Assistant Superintendent of Police ASP Akash Patel said The child was playing outside his house when he fell into the drain His friends who were also playing with him raised the alarm The children in that area raised an alarm following which some of the residents of Preet Vihar colony jumped into the drain and fished out the child 15 metres away from the sinking spot When the resident came to know about the death of the child they put the body on the road and created ruckus police said The tehsildar of Modinagarar sub-division reached the spot and announced Rs 1 lakh compensation from the relief fund and Rs 1 lakh from the civic body fund ASP Patel said PTI COR CK