BSE LargeCap rose 11.18 points to 6,909.22 with Maruti, Gail, Bosch, NTPC as active stocks on the index. BSE SmallCap declined 177.55 points to 28,688 while BSE MidCap went down 104.37 points to 25,047.34 level.
New Delhi [India], October 17 (ANI): Brokerage and financial advisory firm LKP Securities has given "buy" ratings to potential investors for stocks such as Bajaj Auto, The Federal Bank, and HDFC Bank.
Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], October 14 (ANI): Bajaj Auto on Friday said its net profit surged by 20 per cent year-on-year to Rs 1,530 crore for the second quarter of the current financial year.
New Delhi [India], October 14 (ANI): Bajaj Auto posted a jump of 20 per cent in its net profit at Rs1,530 crore for the quarter ended September 2022, against Rs1,275 crore in the corresponding quarter during the previous year.
Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], January 19 (ANI): Bajaj Auto on Wednesday announced a net profit of Rs 1,214 crore for the third quarter of the current financial year, which is 22 per cent less than Rs 1,556 crore profit recorded during the corresponding quarter of last fiscal.
बजाज ऑटो ने शुक्रवार को बताया कि उसकी कुल घरेलू बिक्री इस साल सितंबर में 16 प्रतिशत की गिरावट के साथ 1,92,348 इकाई रह गई। बजाज ऑटोने एक बयान में कहा कि उसने पिछले साल सितंबर में कुल 2,28,731 वाहन बेचे थे। कंपनी की कुल बिक्री, जिसमें घरेलू बिक्री और निर्यात शामिल हैं, नौ प्रतिशत […]