Jubin Nautiyal treated fans with pictures from his recovery break on Sunday, on social media. On November 2, Bollywood's popular playback singer Jubin met with a fatal accident after falling from a staircase.
Singer Jubin Nautiyal took to Instagram on Friday and thanked his fans for their love and blessings. Jubin Nautiyal recovering from injuries after falling from a staircase on December 2.
Jubin Nautiyal broke his elbow, cracked his ribs and hurt his head after falling down his building staircase. He was immediately rushed to the hospital.
Vicky Kaushal and Kiara Advani's new romantic song 'Bana Sharabi' from 'Govinda Naam Mera' featuring their hot chemistry was released on Wednesday. The 'Govinda Naam Mera' touted to be a quirky murder mystery, which is all set to stream on the OTT platform from December 16, 2022.