Bhopal Dec 24 PTI The COVID-19 count in Madhya Pradesh reached 793613 on Friday after 32 cases were detected while one death took the toll to 10532 an official said So far 782873 people have been discharged post recovery including 14 during the day leaving the state with an active tally of 208 he said With 62065 samples being examined during the day the number of tests carried out in MP went up to 23277656 the official added A release said 101006862 COVID-19 vaccine doses have been administered so far in the state including 282774 on Friday The coronavirus figures in MP are as follows Total cases 793613 new cases 32 death toll 10532 recoveries 782873 active cases 208 number of tests so far 23277656 PTI MAS BNM BNM BNM
Bhopal Dec 24 PTI Madhya Pradesh water resources minister Tulsiram Silawat has directed his department to draw up a plan to build sport complexes on land available with it an official said on Friday After visiting Damkheda in Kolar area here Silawat said his department would build a sports complex at an estimated cost of Rs 8 crore the official added Silawat local BJP MLA Rameshwar Sharma and other senior officials visited the proposed site where the complex will come up on an 8-acre plot It will have facilities for badminton swimming basketball outdoor and indoor games It will also generate employment he said The 3D map of the proposed complex will be made soon and an action plan for it will be presented in a fortnight he added Silawat directed officials to draw a plan to develop similar facilities in other areas as the department has land at a number of places in Bhopal the state public relations department official further said PTI MAS BNM BNM BNM