Study finds hormone generated by fat cells restrains liver tumor growth in mice \
5 min read

Study finds hormone generated by fat cells restrains liver tumor growth in mice

Washington [US], August 15 (ANI): According to a recent study from the University of Michigan Life Sciences Institute, a hormone generated by fat cells can slow the growth of liver tumours in mice.
15-Aug-2022 Health
New gene found that increases muscular strength during exercise: Research \
3 min read

New gene found that increases muscular strength during exercise: Research

Melbourne [Australia], July 30 (ANI): During a recent study, researchers found a gene that enhances muscular strength when activated by physical activity. This can open the door for the creation of therapeutic therapies that mirror some of the advantages of exercise.
30-Jul-2022 Science
Mere sight of meal triggers an inflammatory response in brain \
4 min read

Mere sight of meal triggers an inflammatory response in brain

Washington [US], July 1 (ANI): Even before carbohydrates reach the bloodstream, the very sight and smell of a meal trigger the release of insulin. For the first time, researchers have shown that this insulin release depends on a short-term inflammatory response that takes place in these circumstances. In overweight individuals, however, this inflammatory response is so excessive that it can impair insulin secretion.
01-Jul-2022 Health
Mere sight of meal triggers an inflammatory response in brain \
4 min read

Mere sight of meal triggers an inflammatory response in brain

Washington [US], July 1 (ANI): Even before carbohydrates reach the bloodstream, the very sight and smell of a meal trigger the release of insulin. For the first time, researchers have shown that this insulin release depends on a short-term inflammatory response that takes place in these circumstances. In overweight individuals, however, this inflammatory response is so excessive that it can impair insulin secretion.
01-Jul-2022 Health
Study: The astrocytic urea cycle in brain controls memory loss in Alzheimer’s disease \
6 min read

Study: The astrocytic urea cycle in brain controls memory loss in Alzheimer’s disease

Daejeon [South Korea], June 22 (ANI): The number of elderly people suffering from Alzheimer's disease has increased rapidly in recent decades. For a long time, scientists believed that misfolded aggregates of amyloid-beta protein accumulated and formed plaques in the brain, leading to memory loss and nerve cell death. However, recent clinical trial failures indicate an urgent need to understand the missing link between amyloid-beta protein plaques and disease symptoms.
22-Jun-2022 Science