Jammu Jan 23 PTI An alleged drug peddler was arrested with six grams of heroin in Kathua district of Jammu and Kashmir on Sunday police said The accused Jasbir Singh was noticed moving in a suspicious manner by a police patrolling party near his village at Chak Drab Khan and was stopped for frisking a police spokesman said Singh was on way to the housing colony and his search led to the recovery of contraband from his possession he said adding he was booked under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances NDPS Act and further investigation is on PTI TAS CK
Jammu Dec 28 PTI Two women hailing from Punjab were arrested Tuesday on the charges of drug peddling after about 12 grams of heroin was seized from their possession in Kathua district of Jammu and Kashmir police said Karamjeet Kour of Gurdaspur and Neha of Jalandhar were noticed moving suspiciously near Chak Drab Khan area During their search about six grams each of heroin was found in their possession a police official said He said the women were living as tenants in Kullian village of Kathua The official said they were booked under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances NDPS Act Further investigation is on he added PTI TAS AB AQS AQS