Motorola India will officially launch the Moto G52 smartphone today in India. The handset is already available in the European market, and today, it will make its way to India. The smartphone is also listed on Flipkart, which confirms that the phone will be sold via the e-commerce platform. The device is said to carry […]
Vivo India will officially launch the V23e 5G smartphone today in the country. The upcoming handset will be the third handset in the V23 lineup. The Vivo V23 lineup comprises V23 5G and V23 Pro 5G models. The Vivo V23e 5G has already been launched in Malaysia, and now, the company will launch it at […]
Samsung India is all set to launch the Galaxy F42 5G smartphone in India tomorrow. The prices of the handset will be announced by the technology giant at noon. When launched, the phone will be available for online sale via Flipkart and Samsung’s online store. The company has been extensively teasing the handset on its […]