Emergency healthcare provider      CIPACA gets recognition award \
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Emergency healthcare provider CIPACA gets recognition award

Chennai Mar 18 PTI Emergency healthcare provider - CIPACA - on Friday said it has been awarded the Best ICU Growth Partner for rural hospitals in recognition of the disruptive model The award was presented at the Global Healthcare Summit 2021 held recently This is a new chapter in the growth phase as CIPACA has now transitioned from ICU provider to ICU partner in rural healthcare a press release said According to founder and managing director of CIPACA Raja Amarnath said It is quite an innovative recognition and I thank every member of our family partner-hospitals staff and stakeholders Our partnerships with small hospitals in rural areas have a significant impact on the entire rural healthcare eco system As the future of healthcare lies in strengthening healthcare infrastructure in small towns CIPACAs rural ICU mission focuses on partnerships with small and medium hospitals in rural areas to provide emergency care to lakhs of the population who have been deprived of the same in their regions Until now CIPACA has partnered with 15 hospitals in rural areas across southern western and eastern regions of the country said the release PTI VIJ NVG NVG
18-Mar-2022 National