Chennai Apr 21 PTI The ruling DMKs student wing on Thursday expressed shock over Gujarat MLA Jignesh Mevanis arrest by the Assam police and alleged political ulterior motive to itThe partys student wing expressed confidence that the Gujarat MLA would walk free soon by beating the false caseThe Gujarat legislator getting arrested by Assam police all of a sudden for posting a tweet on Prime Minister Narendra Modi has political ulterior motive and it is shocking the party allegedThe DMK said it stood behind Mevani and asserted that the leader from the western state would not fear such tactics of the BJP governmentIn a statement youth wing secretary CVMP Ezhilarasan described Mevani as his friend and asked him to remain strong Stand courageously my dear friend The DMK youth wing stands behind you The DMK functionary who is also an MLA said he was confident that the Gujarat legislator would attend a two-day national conference of his partys youth wing here on April 30 and May 1Mevani is one of the special invitees to the proposed DMK meet here PTI VGN ROH ROH