New Delhi Apr 26 PTI The Delhi Police Tuesday said it has apprehended a 23-year-old man for allegedly promoting religious hatred after a viral social media video purportedly showed him making communally sensitive remarks They said they have also filed a case against Suhail Choudhary under section 153A promoting enmity between different groups on grounds of religion race place of birth residence of the Indian Penal CodeDeputy Commissioner of Police northeast Sanjay Kumar Sain said A video got viral wherein a youth was seen promoting hatredenmity between different communities On receipt of a complaint efforts were made to establish the identity of the person seen in the video and he was identified as Sohail Chaudhary During his cursory search an illegal weapon has been recovered from his possession According to the police officer a case under the Arms Act was registered against ChoudharyChoudhary a resident of Delhis Noor e- Ilahiwas earlier found to be involved in an attempt to murder case they said This comes just days after Jahangirpuri in northwest Delhi witnessed communal violence which left nine people injured and destroyed businesses of many in the neighbourhood Earlier two men were arrested for allegedly trying to promote communal disharmony in northeast Delhis Khajuri Khas area A call was received on Sunday night regarding a group of people in Khajuri Khas making communally provocative statements and talking about the riots in Delhi Aman and Jeeshan both aged 20 have been arrested and booked under sections 153A and 34 acts done by several persons in furtherance of common intention of the Indian Penal Code IPC on Monday police said PTI NIT NIT TIR TIR