New Delhi Dec 28 PTI A 20-year-old man was found dead near a school in southwest Delhis Uttam Nagar area police said on Tuesday adding three juveniles have been apprehended in connection with the killing The deceased identified as Shokat was a resident of Om Vihar in Uttam Nagar they said Police said the three juveniles involved in the case told the police during interrogation that a fight started between Shokat and another absconding accused over uploading of photos on a photo sharing application Then they along with others joined in and attacked the victim with a sharp-edged weapon The exact motive and sequence of crime can be ascertained with the apprehension of absconding accused in the case they said According to police on the intervening night of December 26-27 at 1203 am a PCR call was received at Uttam Nagar police station The caller informed police that a person was lying unconscious near a school in Om Vihar A police team reached the spot and shifted him to Mahendru Hospital and thereafter to Deen Dayal Upadhyay Hospital where he was declared brought dead they said According to the medical examination report and physical examination no fresh external injury was found on the body a senior police officer said Additional Deputy Commissioner of Police Dwarka Vikram Singh said that according to the post-mortem report the cause of death was however opined due to hemorrhagic shock caused by tearing or penetration of large blood vessels ieright external artery along with tearing of large intestine caused by some sharp pointed object weapon of offence like ice pricking needle suapoker Based on the outcome of the post-mortem report and statement of the deceaseds sister a case was registered under section 302 murder and 34 acts done by several persons in furtherance of common intention of the Indian Penal Code on Monday he said In her statement she levelled allegations against some suspects out of which some of them are juvenile the Additional DCP added During investigation three juveniles who were also involved in the crime have been apprehended Our multiple teams are working to nab the other accused involved in the case Singh said PTI AMP CK