Mumbai Mar 22 PTI Actors Ranveer Singh Siddhant Chaturvedi and filmmaker Zoya Akhtar on Tuesday mourned the loss of rapper Dharmesh Parmar popularly known as MC Tod Fod who passed away on March 20The Dadar-based rapper died aged 24His death was confirmed by the Mumbai hip-hop group Swadesi of which he was a part of on Monday The cause of his death is not yet knownParmar was known for his rap songs in Hindi and Gujarati and was also a part of Akhtars 2019 drama Gully Boy contributing to its musicSingh who fronted the story of a rappers rise from the streets took to Instagram and posted a photo of Parmar with a heartbreak emoticonChaturvedi who also starred in the film took to Instagram and shared a screenshot of his chat with ParmarIn the chat the actor had congratulated him for his Gully Boy track India 91RIP Bhai Chaturvedi wroteAkhtar posted a picture of the rapper on her Instagram feedYou have gone way too soon I can only be grateful our paths crossed Rest in peace Bantai she wroteThe official Instagram page of Swadesi Movement posted a video of the rappers perfomance from Swadesi MelaYou had to be there to experience it his thrill his love for playing live music You are never forgotten you will always live through with your music the post read PTI JUR BK BK
Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], March 22 (ANI): The untimely demise of 'Gully Boy' rapper Dharmesh Parmar, popularly known as Tod Fod, has left filmmaker Zoya Akhtar extremely heartbroken.