In a personal interview with ANI, Sooraj said, "Definitely I want to make another film with Salman Khan and we are currently working on the story, but right now I am busy with 'Uunchai' and my younger son Avnish's debut directorial film which marks the acting debut of Sunny Deol's son Rajveer Deol and Poonam Dhillon's daughter Paloma Dhillon. Currently, these two films are my responsibilities, after that, I will work on the script of my next film with Salman Khan."
Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], October 15 (ANI): Superstar Salman Khan, who prefers to release his films during the festive season, has locked Diwali 2023 as the release date for his most-awaited movie 'Tiger 3', which also features Katrina Kaif in the lead role.