Bollywood actor Kangana Ranaut, on Sunday, praised actor Tabu for delivering back-to-back hits 'Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2' and 'Drishyam 2' and said," she is single-handedly saving the Hindi Film industry."
Title track of Drishyam 2 is out. The song has been composed by Rockstar DSP, narration is by Ajay Devgn, sung by Usha Uthup and Vijay Prakash and it has been penned by lyricist Amitabh Bhattacharya.
Ajay Devgn has new member joining his fourth directorial 'Bholaa' team. Amala Paul will be making a special appearance in the movie opposite Runway 34 star.
New Delhi [India], October 2 (ANI): Makers of the blockbuster movie 'Drishyam' have come up with a first-of-its-kind association with multiplex chains to offer a 50 percent discount on booking tickets of Ajay Devgn's thriller film 'Drishyam 2' on October 2.
Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], April 30 (ANI): Bollywood Star Akshaye Khanna will soon be seen sharing the screen with Ajay Devgn and Tabu in the upcoming flick 'Drishyam 2'.