Lucknow Apr 26 PTI The Uttar Pradesh government on Tuesday said two new police stations will be set up in Lucknow Police Commissionerate to improve policing in the state capital Currently there are 43 police stations in the commissionerate Determined to strengthen law and order and provide easy availability of police services to the general public CM Yogi Adityanath has decided to set up new police stations Madeeganj under Hazratganj police station and Dubagga under Kakori police station in Police Commissionerate Lucknow The Chief Ministers Office on tweeted The number of police stations in Lucknow Police Commissionerate will now increase to 45 The Yogi Adityanath-led Bharatiya Janata Party government implemented the police commissioner system in Lucknow and Gautam Budh Nagar districts in January 2020 Later this system was also implemented in Varanasi and Kanpur PTI SAB AQS AQS